Network Automation Crash Course
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Network Automation Crash Course

About the Bundle

Delve into the world of network automation with "Mastering Go Network Automation" by Ian Taylor and "Python Networking" by Odette Windsor. Ian Taylor's book explores the use of Go for automating network tasks, offering insights into Go's powerful concurrency features and its application in network programming. It's tailored for network engineers and developers interested in utilizing Go for efficient network automation.

"Python Networking 101" by Odette Windsor complements this by providing a thorough exploration of network automation using Python. Covering a range of topics from basic socket programming to advanced network applications, Windsor's book is a comprehensive guide for automating and managing network operations using Python.

This bundle is designed for those keen on mastering network automation technologies, offering a dual perspective on using both Python and Go for automating network tasks. Whether you're a network engineer looking to streamline operations or a developer interested in network programming, these books provide the tools and techniques needed for effective network automation.

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    • Go
    • Networking
    • Docker
    • DevOps
    • Cloud Computing
    • APIs
    • Python
    • Distributed Systems

About the Books

Mastering Go Network Automation

Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter
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"Mastering Go Network Administration" is a structured beginning for network administrators looking to improve network efficiency, scalability, and security. This book provides a one-stop solution for all of your network administration needs, with comprehensive coverage of automation, security, containerization, monitoring, and performance testing.

Beginning with the fundamentals of creating a network automation lab with the EVENG network simulator and the Go programming language, readers will learn the step-by-step process of installing EVE-NG, followed by the importance of service mesh in automation and how it can simplify network operations.

The book delves deeply into critical topics such as deploying ingress controllers and implementing service mesh with Linkerd. Readers will learn about container-native storage, container storage management with Docker, and automated SSL certificates, firewall configuration, and network policies. Monitoring and performance tuning are also covered in the book, including how to monitor container performance and automatically roll out updates. The book covers a series of performance testing strategies like load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing. It shows readers how to find performance bottlenecks and optimise their network with the help of tools like Vegeta and Apache JMeter through the use of real-world examples.

Key Learnings

  • Setting up an EVE-NG network simulator, VIM IDE, kubeadm, and a comprehensive network automation lab to improve network efficiency, scalability, and security.
  • Configuring ports, hosts, and servers using Go scripting to streamline network automation.
  • Writing, testing, and validating network automation scripts to ensure smooth and reliable network administration.
  • Building Docker images, running containers, and managing container deployments for efficient containerization.
  • Automating load balancing, firewall configuration, and Kubernetes network policies for seamless network management.
  • Working with popular tools such as Puppet, Zookeeper, Traefik, Envoy, and various Go networking packages.
  • Automating SSL setup, container storage, container performance monitoring, and rolling updates.
  • Using powerful load testing tools like Vegeta and Apache JMeter for efficient load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing to identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks.

Table of Content

  1. Go Essentials for Networks
  2. Setting Up Network Automation Environment
  3. Configuring Modern Networks
  4. Write, Test and Validate Automation Scripts
  5. Automation of Configuration Management
  6. Networking with Container and Docker
  7. Orchestrating Containers and Automating Workloads
  8. Automate SSL, Container-native Storage and Performance
  9. Kubernetes Automation
  10. Service Mesh, Firewall and Network Policies
  11. Network Performance Testing


If you're a network administrator who wants to level up your game, "Mastering Go Network administration" is the book for you. This book will help you become a more efficient, effective, and confident network administrator by providing clear explanations, practical examples, and comprehensive coverage.

Python Networking 101

Navigating essentials of networking, socket programming, AsyncIO, network testing, simulations and Ansible
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Python Networking 101 is the ultimate guide for aspiring network administrators looking to build their network management and automation skills using Python. With a comprehensive and hands-on approach, this book covers the most important aspects of networking, including network fundamentals, network automation, monitoring, security, topology, and testing.

The book begins with an overview of the Python language and its libraries used for networking tasks. Each chapter then focuses on a specific networking task, providing readers with a deep understanding of the topic and practical demonstrations using Python libraries. By the end of each chapter, readers will be well-versed in the execution and implementation of these tasks.

Throughout the book, readers will learn about the best Python libraries network administrators prefer, including Netmiko, Paramiko, SNMP, Flask, AsyncIO, and more. Practical examples and exercises will help them gain hands-on experience working with these libraries to achieve various networking objectives. The book also discusses advanced network automation techniques, providing insights into network automation frameworks, such as Ansible, and how to build custom network automation solutions using Python.

By the end of the book, readers will be equipped with the knowledge to integrate Python with network management tools, making them efficient and effective network administrators.

Key Learnings

  • Master Python language and its networking libraries for network administration tasks.
  • Monitor and analyze network performance and troubleshoot issues effectively.
  • Enhance network security using Python libraries and best practices.
  • Get well-versed with Netmiko, Paramiko, Socket, PySNMP, AsyncIO, and SimPy.
  • Develop custom network services and interact with RESTful APIs using Python.
  • Improve performance with asynchronous programming using AsyncIO in network applications.
  • Get hands-on with Ansible to create playbooks and perform every possible network automation.
  • Perform network testing and simulation, and analyze results for optimized performance.
  • Manage and automate network configuration changes and ensure compliance.
  • Leverage advanced network automation techniques and frameworks for efficient administration.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Python and Networking Libraries
  2. TCP, UDP and Socket Programming
  3. Working with Application Layer
  4. Exploring Network Automation
  5. Network Monitoring and Analysis
  6. Network Security and Python
  7. Working with APIs and Network Services
  8. Network Programming with AsyncIO
  9. Network Testing and Simulation
  10. Network Configuration Management
  11. Ansible and Python


"Python Networking 101" is designed to provide readers with the skills required to excel as a network administrators. The practical approach, coupled with real-world examples, ensures readers can implement the techniques learned in their professional careers. Knowing Python and the basics of computer networks is sufficient, to begin with this book.

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