塑造我們的錯誤 (繁體中文版) + The Mistakes That Make Us
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塑造我們的錯誤 (繁體中文版) + The Mistakes That Make Us

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塑造我們的錯誤 (繁體中文版)

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我們都會犯錯。 重要的是從中學習,無論是個人、團隊還是組織。從錯誤中學習的文化能促進改進、創新和更好的業務成果。

The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation 是Mark Graban寫的一本引人入勝、鼓舞人心且實用的書,提出了一種對錯誤的替代方法。Graban鼓勵我們擁抱並從錯誤中學習,而不是因人為錯誤和決策失誤而懲罰個人,從而培養學習和創新的文化。


通過分享他受歡迎的播客“My Favorite Mistake”的故事和見解,以及他自己的工作經驗,Graban展示了領導者如何培養從錯誤中學習的文化。書中包括來自製造業、醫療保健、軟體開發和兩家威士忌釀酒廠的例子,探討了各種規模和行業的組織如何從這種方法中受益。

你將閱讀來自豐田、科技公司KaiNexus的領導者的故事,以及前美國眾議員Will Hurd、“Shark Tank”的Kevin Harrington等人的故事。






The Mistakes That Make Us 是任何希望創建更強大組織並產生更好結果的人必讀的書,包括更低的員工流動率、更多的改進和創新以及更好的最終業績。無論你是初創公司的創始人,還是大公司的有抱負的領導者,這本書都將激勵你以善良和謙遜來領導,並展示如何通過學習錯誤來改正錯誤。

《The Mistakes That Make Us》的讚譽:

“終於!一本關於錯誤、失誤和失敗的書,不僅僅是空話,而是實際展示如何將錯誤作為學習、成長和進步的引擎。深入閱讀The Mistakes That Make Us,發現培養心理安全環境的祕訣,鼓勵那些帶來重大突破的小實驗。”



  • 《The Lean Startup》的作者Eric Ries
  • 1-800-FLOWERS的創始人兼主席Jim McCann
  • 《Clarity First》和《The Outstanding Organization》的作者Karen Martin
  • Menlo Innovations的CEO Rich Sheridan
  • 《The Good Jobs Strategy》的作者Zeynep Ton, Ph.D.













The Mistakes That Make Us

Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation
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We all make mistakes. What matters is learning from them, as individuals, teams, and organizations. A culture of learning from mistakes spurs improvement, innovation, and better business results.

The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation is an engaging, inspiring, and practical book by Mark Graban that presents an alternative approach to mistakes. Rather than punishing individuals for human error and bad decisions, Graban encourages us to embrace and learn from them, fostering a culture of learning and innovation.

Mistakes cannot be prevented by proactively firing all of the mistake-prone people — because that’s all of us.

Sharing stories and insights from his popular podcast, “My Favorite Mistake,” along with his own work experiences, Graban shows how leaders can cultivate a culture of learning from mistakes. Including examples from manufacturing, healthcare, software, and two whiskey distillers, the book explores how organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from this approach.

You'll read stories from leaders at Toyota, the technology company KaiNexus, along with former U.S. Representative Will Hurd, Kevin Harrington from “Shark Tank,” and many others.

The book also shares compelling examples of the power of iterating our way to success. Graban suggests we shift the thinking from “fail early, fail often” to “make small mistakes early, learn, adjust, and succeed.” Or, more succinctly, “small mistakes can lead to success.”

In the book, you'll find practical guidance on adopting a positive mindset towards mistakes. It teaches you to acknowledge and appreciate them, working to prevent them while gaining knowledge from the ones that occur. Additionally, it emphasizes creating a safe environment to express mistakes and encourages responding constructively by emphasizing learning over punishment.

Speaking up about mistakes isn’t a matter of character or courage; it’s a function of the workplace culture.

Developing a culture of learning from mistakes through psychological safety is essential in effective leadership and organizational success. Leaders must lead by example by admitting their own mistakes and reacting well when employees do the same. Instead of solely pushing for people to be courageous, leaders reduce the risk involved in speaking up. 

Psychological safety helps people feel comfortable speaking up; with effective problem-solving and mistake-proofing methods, we get action and improvement.

The Mistakes That Make Us is a must-read for anyone looking to create a stronger organization that produces better results, including lower turnover, more improvement and innovation, and better bottom-line performance. Whether you are a startup founder or an aspiring leader in a larger company, this book will inspire you to lead with kindness and humility and show you how learning from mistakes can make things right.

Praise for The Mistakes That Make Us:

“At last! A book about errors, flubs, and screwups that pushes beyond platitudes and actually shows how to enlist our mistakes as engines of learning, growth, and progress. Dive into The Mistakes That Make Us and discover the secrets to nurturing a psychologically safe environment that encourages the small experiments that lead to big breakthroughs.”


Other endorsers include:

  • Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup
  • Jim McCann, founder and chairman of 1-800-FLOWERS
  • Karen Martin, author of Clarity First and The Outstanding Organization
  • Rich Sheridan, CEO of Menlo Innovations
  • Zeynep Ton, Ph.D., author of The Good Jobs Strategy

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