Fejlene Der Former Os (Dansk Udgave) + The Mistakes That Make Us
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Fejlene Der Former Os (Dansk Udgave) + The Mistakes That Make Us

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Fejlene Der Former Os (Dansk Udgave)

Kultivering af en Kultur af Læring og Innovation
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Læs anbefalinger

Vi begår alle fejl. Det, der betyder noget, er at lære af dem, som individer, teams og organisationer. En kultur med læring af fejl fremmer forbedring, innovation og bedre forretningsresultater.

The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation er en engagerende, inspirerende og praktisk bog af Mark Graban, der præsenterer en alternativ tilgang til fejl. I stedet for at straffe individer for menneskelige fejl og dårlige beslutninger, opfordrer Graban os til at omfavne og lære af dem, hvilket fremmer en kultur med læring og innovation.

Fejl kan ikke forhindres ved proaktivt at fyre alle, der er tilbøjelige til at begå fejl – for det er os alle sammen.

Ved at dele historier og indsigter fra sin populære podcast, “My Favorite Mistake,” sammen med sine egne arbejdserfaringer, viser Graban, hvordan ledere kan fremme en kultur med læring fra fejl. Inklusive eksempler fra fremstillingsindustrien, sundhedssektoren, software og to whisky-destillerier, udforsker bogen, hvordan organisationer af alle størrelser og brancher kan drage fordel af denne tilgang.

Du vil læse historier fra ledere hos Toyota, teknologivirksomheden KaiNexus, sammen med den tidligere amerikanske repræsentant Will Hurd, Kevin Harrington fra “Shark Tank,” og mange andre.

Bogen deler også overbevisende eksempler på styrken ved at iterere vores vej til succes. Graban foreslår, at vi skifter tankegangen fra “fejl tidligt, fejl ofte” til “lav små fejl tidligt, lær, tilpas, og lykkes.” Eller, mere kortfattet, “små fejl kan føre til succes.”

I bogen finder du praktisk vejledning til at indtage en positiv tilgang til fejl. Den lærer dig at anerkende og værdsætte dem, arbejde på at forhindre dem, mens du opnår viden fra de, der sker. Derudover understreger den vigtigheden af at skabe et sikkert miljø for at udtrykke fejl og opfordrer til at reagere konstruktivt ved at fokusere på læring fremfor straf.

At tale åbent om fejl handler ikke om karakter eller mod; det er en funktion af arbejdskulturen.

At udvikle en kultur med læring fra fejl gennem psykologisk sikkerhed er essentielt for effektiv ledelse og organisatorisk succes. Ledere skal lede ved eksempel ved at indrømme deres egne fejl og reagere godt, når medarbejdere gør det samme. I stedet for udelukkende at opfordre folk til at være modige, reducerer ledere risikoen ved at tale åbent. 

Psykologisk sikkerhed hjælper folk til at føle sig komfortable ved at tale åbent; med effektive problemløsnings- og fejlsikringsmetoder får vi handling og forbedring.

The Mistakes That Make Us er et must-read for alle, der ønsker at skabe en stærkere organisation, der skaber bedre resultater, herunder lavere omsætningshastighed, mere forbedring og innovation og bedre bundlinjepræstationer. Uanset om du er en startup-grundlægger eller en aspirerende leder i en større virksomhed, vil denne bog inspirere dig til at lede med venlighed og ydmyghed og vise dig, hvordan læring fra fejl kan gøre tingene rigtige.

Ros for The Mistakes That Make Us:

“Endelig! En bog om fejl, fejltagelser og bøffer, der går ud over floskler og faktisk viser, hvordan vi kan bruge vores fejl som motorer for læring, vækst og fremskridt. Dyk ned i The Mistakes That Make Us og opdag hemmelighederne til at pleje et psykologisk sikkert miljø, der opmuntrer til små eksperimenter, der fører til store gennembrud.”


Andre anbefalere inkluderer:

  • Eric Ries, forfatter af The Lean Startup
  • Jim McCann, grundlægger og formand for 1-800-FLOWERS
  • Karen Martin, forfatter af Clarity First og The Outstanding Organization
  • Rich Sheridan, CEO for Menlo Innovations
  • Zeynep Ton, Ph.D., forfatter af The Good Jobs Strategy


Kapitel Et: Tænk Positivt

Kapitel To: Indrøm Fejl

Kapitel Tre: Vær Venlig

Kapitel Fire: Forebyg Fejl

Kapitel Fem: Hjælp Alle med at Tale Åbent

Kapitel Seks: Vælg Forbedring, Ikke Straf

Kapitel Syv: Iterér Din Vej til Succes

Kapitel Otte: Dyrk For Evigt



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The Mistakes That Make Us

Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation
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Read endorsement blurbs

Recipient of the Shingo Publication Award!

We all make mistakes. What matters is learning from them, as individuals, teams, and organizations. A culture of learning from mistakes spurs improvement, innovation, and better business results.

The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation is an engaging, inspiring, and practical book by Mark Graban that presents an alternative approach to mistakes. Rather than punishing individuals for human error and bad decisions, Graban encourages us to embrace and learn from them, fostering a culture of learning and innovation.

Mistakes cannot be prevented by proactively firing all of the mistake-prone people — because that’s all of us.

Sharing stories and insights from his popular podcast, “My Favorite Mistake,” along with his own work experiences, Graban shows how leaders can cultivate a culture of learning from mistakes. Including examples from manufacturing, healthcare, software, and two whiskey distillers, the book explores how organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from this approach.

You'll read stories from leaders at Toyota, the technology company KaiNexus, along with former U.S. Representative Will Hurd, Kevin Harrington from “Shark Tank,” and many others.

The book also shares compelling examples of the power of iterating our way to success. Graban suggests we shift the thinking from “fail early, fail often” to “make small mistakes early, learn, adjust, and succeed.” Or, more succinctly, “small mistakes can lead to success.”

In the book, you'll find practical guidance on adopting a positive mindset towards mistakes. It teaches you to acknowledge and appreciate them, working to prevent them while gaining knowledge from the ones that occur. Additionally, it emphasizes creating a safe environment to express mistakes and encourages responding constructively by emphasizing learning over punishment.

Speaking up about mistakes isn’t a matter of character or courage; it’s a function of the workplace culture.

Developing a culture of learning from mistakes through psychological safety is essential in effective leadership and organizational success. Leaders must lead by example by admitting their own mistakes and reacting well when employees do the same. Instead of solely pushing for people to be courageous, leaders reduce the risk involved in speaking up. 

Psychological safety helps people feel comfortable speaking up; with effective problem-solving and mistake-proofing methods, we get action and improvement.

The Mistakes That Make Us is a must-read for anyone looking to create a stronger organization that produces better results, including lower turnover, more improvement and innovation, and better bottom-line performance. Whether you are a startup founder or an aspiring leader in a larger company, this book will inspire you to lead with kindness and humility and show you how learning from mistakes can make things right.

Praise for The Mistakes That Make Us:

“At last! A book about errors, flubs, and screwups that pushes beyond platitudes and actually shows how to enlist our mistakes as engines of learning, growth, and progress. Dive into The Mistakes That Make Us and discover the secrets to nurturing a psychologically safe environment that encourages the small experiments that lead to big breakthroughs.”


Other endorsers include:

  • Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup
  • Jim McCann, founder and chairman of 1-800-FLOWERS
  • Karen Martin, author of Clarity First and The Outstanding Organization
  • Rich Sheridan, CEO of Menlo Innovations
  • Zeynep Ton, Ph.D., author of The Good Jobs Strategy

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