Angular Architecture Patterns
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Angular Architecture Patterns

Apply Enterprise Principles and Patterns to Build Amazing Applications

About the Book

This book provides the missing guidance to build enterprise-level Angular applications that impress. Simplify your code and focus on what matters by leveraging specific architectural patterns, designs, and principles. This book provides the motivation and actual code and a working application that demonstrates clean architecture for an Angular application.

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    • AngularJS
    • Web Development
    • Reactive
    • Event-Driven Architecture
    • Software Architecture
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About the Editor

Matt Vaughn
Matt Vaughn

Matt Vaughn is a seasoned professional web developer with over 20 years of web development experience. What more can you say, he's seen a lot. He has been a .NET developer since 2001. His approach to solving problems is simple. Keep things simple. Matt takes a pragmatic approach to technical solutions. He utilizes common design patterns, object-oriented programming, and other proven principles like SOLID.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 Angular Version
    • 1.2 BETA Book
    • 1.3 About the Author
    • 1.4
    • 1.5 Acknowledgements
  • 2 Architecture
    • 2.1 Quick Guide of Effective Architecture
  • 3 Effective Software Architecture
    • 3.1 Powerful Effect of Experience
    • 3.2 Essentials of the Plan
    • 3.3 Execute the Plan
  • 4 Angular Toolbox
    • 4.1 What Does Angular Give Us
    • 4.2 What’s in the Angular Toolbox?
    • 4.3 Typescript
    • 4.4 Angular Platform
    • 4.5 Code Organization Containers
  • 5 Workspace: Where You Work Matters
    • 5.1 May the 4th Be With You
    • 5.2 What Is So Special About Angular version 6?
    • 5.3 Monorepo with Angular Workspace
    • 5.4 Angular Workspace Improves Developer Efficiency
  • 6 Workspace: A Container for Projects
    • 6.1 Angular.json
    • 6.2 Applications
    • 6.3 Libraries
  • 7 Cross-Cutting Concerns
    • 7.1 Identify Candidates for Reuse
    • 7.2 Logging
    • 7.3 Error Handling
    • 7.4 Configuration
    • 7.5 API Response Schema/Model
    • 7.6 HTTP Service
  • 8 CLEAN Architecture Layers
    • 8.1 Why CLEAN Architecture for Angular?
    • 8.2 Getting Started with CLEAN Architecture
    • 8.3 How to Organize Code
    • 8.4 Start at the Top: Presentation Layer
    • 8.5 Component Service - Mediator of UI and Core Domain
    • 8.6 Core Domain Service
    • 8.7 It is Just a Business Layer Decision, Right?
    • 8.8 Data Repository
    • 8.9 Data Access
    • 8.10 Data Layer
    • 8.11 Review of Layers
  • 9 Angular Architecture(s)
    • 9.1 Clean Architecture Map to Layered Architecture
    • 9.2 Layered Architecture
  • 10 Architecture Options
    • 10.1 Default Architecture (#1)
    • 10.2 Feature Module Architecture (#2)
    • 10.3 Core Domain Service Architecture (#3)
    • 10.4 Full-Layered Architecture (#4)
  • 11 Setup Reference Application
    • 11.1 Nx Workspace
    • 11.2 Create Application Project
    • 11.3 Application Modules and Configuration
    • 11.4 Code Formatting
    • 11.5 Create Angular Library Projects
    • 11.6 Create Micro-Frontend (Application Project)
    • 11.7 Create Domain Library Projects
    • 11.8 Test
    • 11.9 Application Components
    • 11.10 Common Module
  • 12 Reference Application
    • 12.1 Essential Modules
    • 12.2 Application Modules
    • 12.3 UI Layer
    • 12.4 UI Service
    • 12.5 Domain Service
    • 12.6 Business Logic
    • 12.7 Business Action
    • 12.8 HTTP Repository
    • 12.9 HTTP Client
  • 13 Analysis and Design
    • 13.1 Do You Know Who is Using Your App?
    • 13.2 Actors - Not Just for Hollywood
    • 13.3 What Does Each Actor Want To Do?
    • 13.4 Why is 42?
    • 13.5 When Do Things Happen?
    • 13.6 Where Do Things Happen?

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