The Algorithm Interview Guide
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The Algorithm Interview Guide

An interview guide with a detailed step-by-step explanation to the most commonly asked questions and patterns.

About the Book

A comprehensive step-by-step approach for learning algorithms for coding interviews. 50 questions with well-explained solutions that cater to both the struggling and also experienced. All solutions are explained well in detail with the help of pseudocode and also with Java. The solutions also covers the common algorithmic patterns that are used.

About the Author

Rajesh Mohanan
Rajesh Mohanan

Rajesh has been part of developing large scale software projects over the last 15 years.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • O(n) the Complexities
  • Moving Zeroes
  • The Majority Element
  • Sub Array With the Maximum Sum Of Size k
  • Longest Sequence With k Distinct Characters
  • Sum of Pairs With Target Sum
  • The Dutch National Flag Problem
  • Add 2 Linked Lists
  • Remove Duplicates From a Linked List
  • A brief Introduction to Recursion
  • Is the Array a Palindrome
  • Print the Perimeter of a Binary Tree
  • Level Order Successor
  • Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
  • Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
  • Sum of All Paths of a Binary Tree
  • Top k Frequent Number
  • Maximum Profit
  • Longest Palindromic Subsequence
  • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Counting Negative numbers from a Sorted Matrix
  • Valid Parenthesis Sequence
  • Merging Intervals
  • Check for Conflicting Intervals
  • In-place sorting
  • Find the Duplicate Number From an Array
  • Finding Median
  • Find All the Subsets
  • Find all the Permutations
  • Search in an Infinite Array
  • Find the kth Smallest Number
  • Find the Number of Islands
  • Grouping Anagrams
  • Search a rotated Array
  • Sum of Deepest Node
  • Add 2 binary numbers
  • Longest Common Prefix
  • Common Elements of 3 Arrays
  • Flood Fill
  • Find the Nth Highest number from a Binary Search Tree
  • Evaluate an arithmetic expression
  • Make a fully connected network
  • Mirror a Binary Tree
  • Starting and Ending index of an element in a Sorted Array
  • Merge Two Sorted Arrays
  • ZigZag String conversion
  • Represent Number in words
  • Construct Binary Tree from preorder and inorder traversal inputs
  • Rotate Image
  • Sort a given Array using Quick Sort
  • Merge Sort

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