A Year With Symfony
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A Year With Symfony

Writing healthy, reusable Symfony2 code

About the Book

I've written A Year With Symfony for you, a developer who will work with Symfony2 for more than a month (and probably more than a year). You may have started reading your way through the official documentation ("The Book"), the cookbook, some blogs, or an online tutorial. You know now how to create a Symfony2 application, with routing, controllers, entities or documents, Twig templates and maybe some unit tests. But after these basic steps, some concerns will raise about...

- The reusability of your code - How should you structure your code to make it reusable in a future project? Or even in the same project, but with a different view or in a console command?

- The quality of the internal API you have knowingly or unknowingly created - What can you do to ensure that your team members will understand your code, and will use it in the way it was meant to be used? How can you make your code flexible enough to be used in situations resembling the one you wrote it for?

- The level of security of your application - Symfony2 and Doctrine seem to automatically make you invulnerable for well-known attacks on your web application, like XSS, CSRF and SQL injection attacks. But can you completely rely on the framework? And what steps should you take to fix some of the remaining issues?

- The inner workings of Symfony2 - When you take one step further from creating just controllers and views, you will soon need to know more about the HttpKernel which is the heart of a Symfony2 application. How does it know what controller should be used, and which template? And how can you override any decision that's made while handling a request?

To get a better idea about the book, take a look at the table of contents below), or download a sample of the book above.

A printed edition of this book is available via Amazon.


About the Author

Matthias Noback
Matthias Noback

Matthias Noback has been building web applications since 2003. He is the author of Principles of Package Design and Object Design Style Guide and Advanced Web Application Architecture. He is a regular blogger, public speaker and trainer.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
      • Thank you
      • Who should read this book
      • Conventions
      • Overview of the contents
  • I The journey from request to response
    • 1 The HttpKernelInterface
      • 1.1 Booting the kernel
        • Bundles as container extensions
        • Creating the service container
      • 1.2 From the Kernel to the HttpKernel
    • 2 Events leading to a response
      • 2.1 Early response
        • Some notable kernel.request event listeners
      • 2.2 Resolving the controller
      • 2.3 Allow replacement of the controller
        • Some notable kernel.controller listeners
      • 2.4 Collect arguments for executing the controller
      • 2.5 Execute the controller
      • 2.6 Enter the view layer
        • A notable kernel.view listener
      • 2.7 Filter the response
        • Notable kernel.response listeners
    • 3 Exception handling
      • 3.1 Notable kernel.exception listeners
    • 4 Sub-requests
      • 4.1 When are sub-requests used?
  • II Patterns of dependency injection
    • 5 What is a bundle?
    • 6 Service patterns
      • 6.1 Required dependencies
        • Required constructor arguments
          • Abstract definitions for extra arguments
        • Required setter calls
          • Method calls in abstract definitions
      • 6.2 Optional dependencies
        • Optional constructor arguments
        • Optional setter calls
      • 6.3 A collection of services
        • Multiple method calls
        • The best of both worlds
        • Service tags
        • Single method call
        • Replacing a single argument
        • Service ids instead of references
      • 6.4 Delegated creation
        • Not so useful
        • Sometimes useful
      • 6.5 Manually creating services
        • Definition
        • Arguments
        • Tags
        • Aliases
      • 6.6 The Configuration class
      • 6.7 Dynamically add tags
      • 6.8 Strategy pattern for loading exclusive services
      • 6.9 Loading and configuring additional services
        • A cleaner configuration class
      • 6.10 Configure which services to use
      • 6.11 Completely dynamic service definitions
    • 7 Parameter patterns
      • 7.1 Parameters.yml
      • 7.2 Parameter resolving
        • Parameters for class names
        • Manually resolving parameters
      • 7.3 Define parameters in a container extension
      • 7.4 Override parameters with a compiler pass
  • III Project structure
    • 8 Organizing application layers
      • 8.1 Slim controllers
      • 8.2 Form handlers
      • 8.3 Domain managers
      • 8.4 Events
        • Persistence events
    • 9 State and context
      • 9.1 The security context
      • 9.2 The request
        • Avoiding a dependency on the current request
          • Use an event listener
          • Providing the request object at runtime
          • Using specific values only
  • IV Configuration conventions
    • 10 Application configuration setup
      • 10.1 Use local configuration files
        • Keep parameters.yml
        • Add a default_parameters.yml
    • 11 Configuration conventions
      • 11.1 Routing
        • Choosing Route Names
      • 11.2 Services
      • 11.3 Mapping metadata
  • V Security
    • 12 Introduction
      • 12.1 Symfony and security
      • 12.2 Goals: prevention and confinement
        • Minimize impact
        • Reflection
        • Before diving in…
    • 13 Authentication and sessions
      • 13.1 Invalidating sessions
        • Session hijacking
        • Long-running sessions
    • 14 Controller design
      • 14.1 Secure actions
      • 14.2 Putting controllers behind the firewall
    • 15 Input validation
      • 15.1 Safe forms
        • HTML5 validation
        • Validation constraints
        • Forms without an entity
      • 15.2 Validate values from Request
        • Request attributes
          • Route parameters
        • Query or request parameters
          • Use the ParamFetcher
      • 15.3 Sanitizing HTML
        • Automatic sanitizing
    • 16 Output escaping
      • 16.1 Twig
        • Know your escaping context
        • Escaping function output
        • Escaping function arguments
        • Be wary of the raw filter
    • 17 Being secretive
      • 17.1 Mask authentication errors
      • 17.2 Prevent exceptions from showing up
      • 17.3 Customize error pages
      • 17.4 Be vague about user data
  • VI Using annotations
    • 18 Introduction
          • Annotations: Domain-specific languages
    • 19 An annotation is a simple value object
      • 19.1 Adding attributes to your annotation
          • Passing the attributes via the constructor
        • Populating public properties with the provided attributes
          • Validation using @Attributes
          • Validation using @var and @Required
      • 19.2 Limiting the use of an annotation
    • 20 Valid use cases for annotations
      • 20.1 Loading configuration
          • Annotations and coupling
      • 20.2 Controlling application flow
    • 21 Using annotations in your Symfony application
      • 21.1 Responding to Request attributes: the @Referrer annotation
      • 21.2 Prevent controller execution: the @RequiresCredits annotation
      • 21.3 Modify the response: the @DownloadAs annotation
    • 22 Designing for reusability
    • 23 Conclusion
  • VII Being a Symfony developer
    • 24 Reusable code has low coupling
      • 24.1 Separate company and product code
      • 24.2 Separate library and bundle code
      • 24.3 Reduce coupling to the framework
        • Event listeners over event subscribers
        • Constructor arguments over fetching container parameters
        • Constructor arguments over fetching container services
          • The performance issue
        • Framework-agnostic controllers
        • Thin commands
        • The environment
    • 25 Reusable code should be mobile
      • 25.1 Dependency management and version control
        • Package repositories
      • 25.2 Hard-coded storage layer
        • Auto-mapped entities
        • Storage-agnostic models
        • Object managers
      • 25.3 Hard-coded filesystem references
        • Using the filesystem
    • 26 Reusable code should be open for extension
      • 26.1 Configurable behavior
      • 26.2 Everything should be replaceable
        • Use lots of interfaces
          • Use the bundle configuration to replace services
      • 26.3 Add extension points
        • Service tags
        • Events
    • 27 Reusable code should be easy to use
      • 27.1 Add documentation
      • 27.2 Throw helpful exceptions
        • Use specific exception classes
        • Set detailed and friendly messages
    • 28 Reusable code should be reliable
      • 28.1 Add enough tests
        • Test your bundle extension and configuration
    • Conclusion

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