A Drip of JavaScript
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A Drip of JavaScript

The Complete Collection

About the Book

Every Tuesday at 7:30 in the morning, thousands of subscribers receive the latest issue of A Drip of JavaScript. Each issue is a bite-sized look at one aspect of programming in JavaScript.

This book is the living archive of A Drip of JavaScript. It is not intended to be a "how to program" manual, or a treatise on the language. Instead, it is meant to be a book you can dip into for five minutes at a time to learn something new.

Each month this book is updated to include the latest issues of the newsletter, as well as incorporate bug fixes and content feedback. Buyers receive free updates.

Praise for A Drip of JavaScript:

Been following @joshuacc’s A Drip of Javascript for a few weeks and it’s quite good. Recommended.

James Shore, author of The Art of Agile Development

I love waking up, checking my email and seeing a little nugget of JavaScript wisdom.

– Jason Fox

About the Author

Joshua Clanton
Joshua Clanton

Joshua Clanton is a Senior UI Developer, who he works on improving user experience through quality code.

He is also the publisher of the weekly A Drip of JavaScript newsletter.

When he's not writing JavaScript or hanging out with family, you're likely to find Joshua with his nose stuck in a Science Fiction novel.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Resources
    • Bug Reports & Feature Requests
  • Credits
  • Default Parameters in JavaScript
  • Arbitrary Parameters with the arguments Object
  • Reordering Arrays with Array#sort
  • What is an Array?
  • Transforming Arrays with Array#map
  • Constructors in JavaScript
  • Dealing with the Dangers of this in Constructors
  • What are Prototype Properties and Methods?
  • Using Dispatch Tables to Avoid Conditionals in JavaScript
  • Testing Array Contents with Array#some
  • Creating Chainable Interfaces in JavaScript
  • Using Duck Typing to Avoid Conditionals in JavaScript
  • Function functions
  • Using JavaScript’s toString Method
  • Invoking Functions With call and apply
  • Using apply to Emulate JavaScript’s Upcoming Spread Operator
  • Boiling Down Arrays with Array#reduce
  • Making Deep Property Access Safe in JavaScript
  • Testing Array Contents with Array#every
  • The Difference Between Boolean Objects and Boolean Primitives
  • An Introduction to Writing Your Own JavaScript Compatibility Shims
  • Redefining undefined
  • The Uses of in vs hasOwnProperty
  • An Introduction to IIFEs - Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
  • Variable and Function Hoisting in JavaScript
  • Creating Bound Functions with Function#bind
  • Partial Application with Function#bind
  • Determining if a String Contains a Substring
  • Equals Equals Null in JavaScript
  • Creating Unwritable Properties with Object.defineProperty
  • JavaScript’s void Operator
  • Filtering Arrays with Array#filter
  • Using JavaScript’s Array Methods on Strings
  • Numbers and JavaScript’s Dot Notation
  • Finding Array Elements with Array#indexOf
  • The Problem with Testing for NaN in JavaScript
  • Understanding the Module Pattern in JavaScript
  • The Virtue of JavaScript Linting
  • Emulating Block Scope in JavaScript
  • Truthy and Falsy Values in JavaScript
  • Object Equality in JavaScript
  • Building Up Arrays with Array#concat
  • Ditching jQuery with querySelectorAll
  • Storing Metadata on Arrays in JavaScript
  • JavaScript’s Primitive Wrapper Objects
  • Basic Inheritance with JavaScript Constructors
  • The delete Operator in JavaScript
  • Retrieving Property Names with Object.getOwnPropertyNames and Object.keys
  • Immutable Objects with Object.freeze
  • Sealing JavaScript Objects with Object.seal
  • Preventing Object Extensions in JavaScript
  • Avoiding Problems with Decimal Math in JavaScript
  • Basic Inheritance with Object.create
  • Creating Objects Without Prototypes
  • Using ECMAScript 6 Maps
  • Negating Predicate Functions in JavaScript
  • Finding an Object’s Size in JavaScript
  • Detecting Arrays vs. Objects in JavaScript
  • Checking Date Equality in JavaScript
  • The Perils of Non-Local Mutation
  • Measuring JavaScript Performance with console.time
  • The Problems with for…in and JavaScript Arrays
  • Safely Referencing Undeclared Global Variables
  • Faster Websites - Minifying Your JavaScript with Uglify
  • Don’t Blow Your Stack - Recursion and Trampolines in JavaScript
  • Lists of Unique Values - Using ES6 Sets in JavaScript
  • Automating Your Way to Better JavaScript with Grunt
  • Creating Private Properties with ES6 Symbols
  • Holy Bat-Signal, Batman! Implementing the Observer Pattern in JavaScript
  • Even Stricter Equality with Object.is

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