A Better Way To Learn JavaScript - Advanced JS
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A Better Way To Learn JavaScript - Advanced JS

Let's tackle some advanced JavaScript concepts.

About the Book

This is the fifth book in this 5-book book series.

About the Author

Ajdin Imsirovic
Ajdin Imsirovic

Ajdin Imsirovic is a full-stack web developer who has published several courses (way back in 2015) on the subject of web design and web development. 

Before self-publishing books on Leanpub, he authored four books on front-end development for Packt Publishing:

  1. Vue CLI 3 Quick Start Guide (Build and maintain Vue.js applications quickly with the standard CLI), May 2019
  2. Vue.js Quick Start Guide (Learn how to build amazing and complex reactive web applications easily using Vue.js), October 2018
  3. Elm Web Development (An introductory guide to building functional web apps using Elm), March 2018
  4. Bootstrap 4 Cookbook (Over 75 recipes to help you build elegant and responsive web applications with Bootstrap 4), June 2017

Additionally, he's published a number of books on the Leanpub platform, specifically:

  1. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - The Basics: https://bit.ly/abwtljs1
  2. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Built-in Objects: https://bit.ly/abwtljs2
  3. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Useful Snippets: https://bit.ly/abwtljs3
  4. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Mini Apps: https://bit.ly/abwtljs4
  5. A Better Way to Learn JavaScript - Advanced JavaScript: https://bit.ly/abwtljs5
  6. Angular From Scratch: https://bit.ly/ai-afs
  7. Vue.js From Scratch: https://bit.ly/ai-vfs
  8. React from Scratch: https://leanpub.com/react-from-scratch
  9. Building Amazing Layouts - Learn the Basics of HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 5: https://bit.ly/bldamzlyts1
  10. Building Amazing Layouts - Bootstrap 5 Layouts in Depth: https://bit.ly/bldamzlyts2

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Table of Contents

  • Chapter 0: Introduction
    • Book 1: The Basics
    • Book 2: Built-in Objects
    • Book 3: Useful Snippets
    • Book 4: Building Mini Apps
    • Book 5: Advanced JavaScript
  • Chapter 1: Browser APIs (aka Web APIs)
    • Introduction
    • The available browser APIs list
    • Ambient Light Events
    • Background Tasks
    • Barcode Detection API
    • Battery API
    • Beacon
    • Bluetooth API (experimental)
    • Broadcast Channel API
    • CSS Counter Styles
    • CSS Font Loading API (experimental)
    • CSS Painting API
    • CSS Typed OM API
    • CSSOM (CSS Object Model)
    • Canvas API
    • Channel Messaging
    • Clipboard API
    • Console API
    • Contact Picker API
    • Content Index API
    • Credential Management API
    • DOM
    • Encoding API
    • Encrypted Media Extensions
    • Fetch API
    • File System API
    • File System Access API
    • Frame Timing API (Experimental)
    • Fullscreen API
    • Gamepad API
    • Geolocation API
    • HTML Drag and Drop API
    • HTML Sanitizer API
    • High Resolution Time
    • History API
    • Image Capture API
    • IndexedDB
    • Intersection Observer API
    • Long Tasks API (Experimental)
    • Media Capabilities API
    • Media Capture and Streams
    • Media Session API
    • Media Source Extensions
    • MediaStream Recording
    • Navigation Timing
    • Network Information API
    • Page Visibility API
    • Payment Request API
    • Performance API
    • Performance Timeline API
    • Periodic Background Sync
    • Permissions API
    • Picture-in-Picture API
    • Pointer Events
    • Pointer Lock API
    • Proximity Events (Experimental)
    • Push API (Experimental)
    • Resize Observer API
    • Resource Timing API
    • Screen Capture API
    • Screen Wake Lock API
    • Server Sent Events
    • Service Workers API
    • Storage
    • Storage Access API
    • Streams
    • Touch Events
    • URL API
    • Vibration API
    • Visual Viewport
    • Web Animations
    • Web Audio API
    • Web Authentication API
    • Web Crypto API
    • Web Notifications
    • Web Storage API
    • Web Workers API
    • WebGL
    • WebRTC
    • WebVR API
    • WebVTT
    • WebXR Device API
    • Websockets API
  • Chapter 2: Important browser APIs in more depth
    • Ambient Light Events
    • Background Tasks
    • Barcode detection API
    • Canvas API
    • Clipboard API
    • Console API
    • DOM API
    • Fetch API
    • HTML Drag and Drop API
    • History API
    • IndexedDB API
    • Intersection Observer API
    • Picture-in-picture API
    • Resize Observer API
    • Web Animations API
    • Web Audio API
    • Web GL API
    • WebRTC API
  • Chapter 3: The DOM API in depth
    • 3.1. The DOM is a tree of JS Node Objects
    • 3.2. Node Object Types
    • 3.3 DOM Interfaces
    • 3.4. The Node hierarchy and the Document hierarchy
    • 3.5 The most frequently used methods of the DOM API
    • 3.6 Other interesting DOM snippets
    • 3.7 How DOM extension works
    • 3.8 Extending an HTML element
    • 3.9 The overview of DOM interfaces
  • Chapter 4: Memory, memory management, and garbage collection in JavaScript
    • Memory management
    • Heap and stack in memory allocation
    • Automatic memory allocation in JavaScript: static and dynamic allocation
    • Memory life cycle in JavaScript
    • References in JS
    • The Garbage Collector
    • JavaScript apps often use more memory then they have to
    • Memory Leaks: the usual suspects
    • Finding memory leaks
    • Fixing memory leaks
  • Chapter 5: Design Patterns in JavaScript
    • Characteristics of design patterns
    • The Difference Between Design Patterns and Algorithms
    • Different Kinds of Design Patterns
    • Creational Design Patterns
    • Structural Design Patterns
    • Behavioral Design Patterns
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 6: Algorithm complexity and Big O notation in JavaScript
    • An algorithm is a recipe
    • Algorithm complexity: space and time
    • Time complexity: a practical example
    • The Big O notation
    • Time complexity of built-in JavaScript methods and expressions
    • An overview of time complexity with examples
    • Practice: Determining time complexity of JavaScript snippets
    • Some common algorithms in JavaScript
    • Sock merchant algorithm
    • Ransom note algorithm
    • Palindrome test algorithm
    • Caesar cipher
    • Reverse Words
    • Reverse Array in Place
    • Mean Median Mode
    • Two Sum
    • Binary Search
    • Fibonacci
    • Memoized Fibonacci
    • Sieve of Eratosthenes
    • Bubble Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Heap Sort
    • Max Stock Profit
    • Tower of Hanoi
    • The Traveling Salesman
  • Chapter 7: Data structures and algorithms in JavaScript
    • The importance of data structures
    • Arrays
    • Objects and arrays
    • Linked Lists
    • Stacks
    • Queues and Dequeues
    • Dictionaries and Hashes
    • Sets
    • Trees
    • Graphs
  • Chapter 8: Advanced techniques (memoization, debouncing, throtlling, recursion, etc.)
    • Memoization
    • Debouncing
    • Throtlling
    • Recursion
    • Currying
    • Composition
  • Chapter 9: Advanced JSON
    • JSON Schema
    • JSON-LD
    • Handling Large JSON Files
    • JSON and Security Concerns
    • Some additional advanced JSON concepts
  • Chapter 10: Functional Programming in Depth
    • Why learn functional programming?
    • Declarative programming
    • In FP, data and functions are clearly separated
    • OOP vs FP
    • Higher-order functions and functions as first-class citizens
    • Immutability
    • Pure Functions
    • Closures and Partial Application
    • Functional Composition
    • Recursion
  • Chapter 11: Webpack quick start
    • 11.1 Webpack installation
    • 11.2 Minimal webpack example
    • 11.3 Adding minimal possible code to index.js
    • 11.4 How does webpack bundle modules?
    • 11.5 Tracking changes to our source code using the watch flag
    • 11.6 Adding the webpack.config.js file
    • 11.7 Outputting a web page using webpack
    • 11.8 Outputting a custom HTML file using html-webpack-plugin
    • 11.9 Adding another JavaScript module
    • 11.10 Using a webpack loader to compile SCSS to CSS
    • 11.11 Using Babel with webpack
    • 11.12 Working with JS proposal syntax
    • 11.13 Code splitting
    • 11.14 webpack-merge
    • 11.15 webpack-dev-server
    • 11.16 webpack source maps
    • 11.17 Hot module replacement
    • 11.18 webpack-bundle-analyzer
  • Chapter 12: Understanding Babel
    • Introduction
    • What is Babel?
    • Key Features and Benefits
    • Setting Up Babel
    • Babel Plugins
    • Babel CLI
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 13: Understanding Node.js
    • 13.1 Installing and setting up
    • 13.2 Revisiting the Node.js ecosystem
    • 13.3 Node modules
    • 13.4 Writing a server
    • 13.5 Streams, pipes, and stream events
    • 13.6 Working with the filesystem
    • 13.7 Introducing Express
    • 13.8 Routing and Middleware
    • 13.9 Error Handling
    • 13.10 Writing a simple full-stack JavaScript app
    • 13.11 Build a simple full-stack JavaScript application using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
  • Chapter 14: Test-Driven Development
    • What is TDD
    • Automated tests before the code
    • Why TDD?
    • With TDD, it’s more likely that the code that worked yesterday, still works today
    • Different kinds of tests
    • A general overview of writing code the TDD way
    • Unit testing in practice
    • Getting started with Jest
    • Writing our first test
  • Chapter 15: JavaScript Security
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
    • Security Misconfiguration
    • Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)
    • JavaScript Injection
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 16: RxJS and observables
    • 16.1 What is a stream of data?
    • Reactive JavaScript
    • 16.2 What kind of data can come from the observable stream?
    • 16.3 Subscribing to Observables
    • 16.4 Manipulating Observables
    • 16.5 What is a Subject in RxJS?
    • 16.6 What is a BehaviorSubject?
    • 16.6.1 Other types of Subjects
    • 16.7 What is a Scheduler?
    • 16.8 What is an Action?
    • 16.9 Conclusion
  • Chapter 17: Crafting Clean Code in JavaScript
    • Introduction
    • Understandable and Meaningful Names
    • Keep Functions Small and Focused
    • Avoid Side Effects
    • Use Object/Array Destructuring
    • Consistent Error Handling
    • Use of ES6+ Features
    • Conclusion
  • Chapter 18: Workers
    • 18.1 Two major types of workers
    • 18.3 Why do we need workers?
    • 18.4 Worker access limitations
    • 18.5 The Worker constructor
    • 18.6 Communication with Workers
    • 18.7 Terminating Workers
    • 18.8 Error Handling
    • 18.9 Service Workers and Caching
    • 18.10 Conclusion
  • Chapter 19: Building a Progressive Web App with Vanilla JavaScript
    • Step 1: Setting Up the Project
    • Step 2: Creating the HTML Layout
    • Step 3: Creating the Service Worker
    • Step 4: Registering the Service Worker
    • Step 5: Fetching Weather Data
    • Step 6: Refreshing Weather Data
    • Step 7: The Web App Manifest
  • Chapter 20: Improving Workflows in JavaScript Development
    • Step 1: Setting Up ESLint
    • Step 2: Integrating ESLint with VS Code
    • Step 3: Setting Up Prettier
    • Step 4: Integrating Prettier with VS Code and ESLint
    • Step 5: Useful VS Code Extensions
    • Step 6: Useful VS Code Shortcuts
    • Step 7: Other Productivity Tips
  • Chapter 21: Chrome Dev Tools
    • Introduction
    • Elements Panel
    • Console Panel
    • Sources Panel
    • Network Panel
    • Performance Panel
    • Memory Panel
    • Security Panel
    • Lighthouse
    • Device Mode
    • Customization and Shortcuts
    • Conclusion

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