Object Oriented Programming with Python
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Object Oriented Programming with Python

Learn essentials of OOP with Python 3

About the Book

Have gotten started with Python 3 and finding Object Oriented Programming difficult? Do not worry. We are here to assist you on the quest of understanding the very Philosophy of Object Oriented Programming with Python 3. We present our decades of cumulative experience together in the form of this awesome book so the readers can enjoy the exploration of the Amazing World of Python 3 Object Oriented Programming. The book covers the following topics,

  • Classes and Objects
  • Philosophy Behind Object Oriented Programming
  • modules and packages
  • Inheritance
  • Static Methods, Abstract Classes, Final Classes
  • Polymorphism
  • Exception
  • Built-in Data Structures
  • Python Strings
  • Iterators and Generators

The book will constantly be updated and we will add the new material based on the readers' precious feedback.

About the Authors

Ashwin Pajankar
Ashwin Pajankar

Ashwin Pajankar is a Polymath. He is a Science Popularizer, a Programmer, a Maker, an Author, and a Youtuber.

His website is http://www.AshwinPajankar.com

Subscribe to his Youtube Channel http://www.YouTube.com/AshwinPajankar for videos and Tutorials related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

He can be contacted through LinkedIn https://in.linkedin.com/in/ashwinpajankar

He is author of multiple books. He has written 3 books with Packt Publication, 6 books with Leanpub, and 3 books with Apress. He has also reviewed four books for Packt Publications. He is working on few more books.

Author Profile on Packt https://www.packtpub.com/books/info/authors/ashwin-pajankar

Author Profile on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/author/ashwinpajankar

He graduated from IIIT Hyderabad with MTech in Computer Science and Engineering. He has keen interest in the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.

Sushant Garg
Sushant Garg

Sushant Garg is a Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate at SRM University, Chennai.

He has particular interests in autonomous systems, computer vision and other scientific computing applications.He is currently working on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle prototype with a team of 19 members for SAVe at National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai followed by SAUVC, Singapore and Robosub competition held at San Diego, CA. He has been involved in building such systems with different capabilities, such as navigation, localization, path planning and simulation.He has worked on various other projects such as Home automation system and Autonomous Drilling Machine using Image Processing. Arduino and Raspberry pi are his favorite pieces of hardware.

He also likes developing dynamic websites.

Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
      • Why am I writing this book?
      • Who this book is for?
      • How is this book organized?
      • What this book is not?
    • About the Author
      • Ashwin Pajankar
      • Sushant Garg
    • Errata and Suggestions
    • How to Help the Author
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Objects and Classes
    • 1.2 Everything is an Object in Python
    • 1.3 Conclusion
  • 2. Getting Started with Classes
    • 2.1 Docstrings
    • 2.2 Adding attributes to class
    • 2.3 Adding a method to the class
    • 2.4 Initializer method
    • 2.5 Multiline Docstrings in Python
    • 2.6 Conclusion
  • 3. Modules and Packages
    • 3.1 Modules
    • 3.2 Packages
    • 3.3 Conclusion
  • 4. Inheritance
    • 4.1 Basic Inheritance in Python
    • 4.2 Method Overriding
    • 4.3 super()
    • 4.4 Conclusion
  • 5. More Inheritance
    • 5.1 Multiple Inheritance
    • 5.2 Method Resolution order
    • 5.3 The Diamond Problem
    • 5.4 Abstract class and method
    • 5.5 Access Modifiers in Python
    • 5.6 Conclusion
  • 6. Polymorphism
    • 6.1 Method Overloading
    • 6.2 Operator overloading
    • 6.3 Conclusion
  • 7. Exceptions
    • 7.1 Syntax Errors
    • 7.2 Exceptions
    • 7.3 Handling exceptions
      • 7.3.1 Handling exceptions by types
    • 7.4 else block
    • 7.5 Raising an exception
    • 7.6 finally clause
    • 7.7 User Defined Exceptions
    • 7.8 Conclusion
    • 7.9 Summary

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