Personal Kanban in a Nutshell
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Personal Kanban in a Nutshell

The practical guide to personal happiness

About the Book

Why should you read this Personal Kanban book?

There are several techniques that can help you organize your work, improve focus and generally help you be more productive, but none of them raise questions about your work, or bring enough value, not only professionally but also personally! That's why we are convinced that personal kanban is the way to go to bring more value to your life on all levels.

  • If you're struggling with your work-life balance or...
  • If you don't know anymore if you work on the important stuff or urgent stuff or...
  • If you start questioning what you actually did during the day or...
  • If you feel that you could do more within a day or...
  • If you want to move from doing good work to doing great work or...
  • If you are juggling multiple things to do and feel trapped or...
  • If you think GTD (Getting Things Done) just didn't provide you with what you needed or...
  • ...many more...

Then personal kanban will be a worthwhile investment of your valuable time to increase your personal time management skills, day in and day out!

How to use this book?

This book is build in such a way that you'll be guided through the basics behind the personal kanban system, going from the grandfather of all kanban systems over to elaborate metrics and more. But... you could skip everything and immediately jump to the "experiment" chapter which gets you going with personal kanban within a couple of minutes.

We do recommend to keep the book at hand for future reference, a handbook to provide improvement ideas and thoughts, a re-read to give yourself a kick in the ass to keep experimenting... There is no end to your quest for optimization, even after years of practicing personal kanban techniques you will still be at the beginning of your quest to perfection.

What can you expect from the book?

First time you read through the book and follow its instructions, you can expect to have a descent and trustworthy system at hand towards personal happiness. You will have insights into why the system works and you will be aware of many tips and tricks to optimize your personal implementation and become a true time management Jedi. Keeping the book at hand for times to come you'll be equipped to overcome any obstacle on your path to happiness.

Enjoy the ride...

Greetings, Jürgen & Erik

About the Authors

Jurgen De Smet
Jurgen De Smet

Jurgen De Smet

Being busy with change since 2001 in different jungles, having met with over a 100 of different species, we could call one a chameleon with a huge backpack of knowledge, technique’s and frameworks to support other lions out there to do just enough of the right thing at the right time and be respected for it.

In the backpack are tools and techniques out of beyond budgeting, systems thinking, lean, kanban, agile and scrum as well as notices from other less favorable frameworks like Prince2, PMBoK, ITIL, CORBA, ISO… All of this allows this chameleon to effectively support senior and middle management on how to run an effective organization; as well as training people to become part of a learning organization.

Read more about Jurgen De Smet here...

Erik Talboom

I love helping other people out, it’s something that has been important for me as long as I can remember. I used to tutor people while I was still in school, helping out fellow students whenever I had the chance.
In 2010 I decided to return to teaching class again, combining it with a job as coach. Since then I have trained and coaching several teams on different subjects, ranging from more process oriented topics like scrum, kanban and effective collaboration through gamestorming to more technical focused topics like test automation, test driven development and software craftsmanship principles. As of last year I have started an adventure in the areas of lean startups and customer development around that. These kinds of volatile ventures also benefit a lot from the agile mindset and craftsmanship principles knowledge I’ve built up the last decade.

Read more about Erik Talboom here...


Jurgen De Smet

Being busy with change since 2001 in different jungles, having met with over a 100 of different species, we could call one a chameleon with a huge backpack of knowledge, technique’s and frameworks to support other lions out there to do just enough of the right thing at the right time and be respected for it.

In the backpack are tools and techniques out of beyond budgeting, systems thinking, lean, kanban, agile and scrum as well as notices from other less favorable frameworks like Prince2, PMBoK, ITIL, CORBA, ISO… All of this allows this chameleon to effectively support senior and middle management on how to run an effective organization; as well as training people to become part of a learning organization.

Read more about Jurgen De Smet here...

Erik Talboom

I love helping other people out, it’s something that has been important for me as long as I can remember. I used to tutor people while I was still in school, helping out fellow students whenever I had the chance.
In 2010 I decided to return to teaching class again, combining it with a job as coach. Since then I have trained and coaching several teams on different subjects, ranging from more process oriented topics like scrum, kanban and effective collaboration through gamestorming to more technical focused topics like test automation, test driven development and software craftsmanship principles. As of last year I have started an adventure in the areas of lean startups and customer development around that. These kinds of volatile ventures also benefit a lot from the agile mindset and craftsmanship principles knowledge I’ve built up the last decade.

Read more about Erik Talboom here...

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Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
    • Why Personal Kanban?
    • How to use this book?
    • What can you expect?
  • 2. Purpose
  • 3. Theory of Constraints - TOC
  • 4. Visualization
  • 5. Categorize & Prioritize
  • 6. Create your storyline
  • 7. Work In Progress - WIP
  • 8. Measure
    • Lead Time
    • Control Charts or Variation Reports
    • Cumulative Flow Diagrams
    • Tools
  • 9. Experiment, reflect and adjust
  • 10. Time to clean up!
    • Cleaning up your DONE column
    • Cleaning up your OPEN column
  • 11. Discipline
    • Remove distractions
    • Transparency
    • Make it easy
  • 12. The Personal Kanban Transformer model
  • 13. More about the authors
    • Jürgen De Smet
    • Erik Talboom
  • 14. Acknowledgments

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