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You can use this page to email Lukasz Szyrmer about Managing Remote Teams (Polskie Wydanie).
O Książce
Once you have the basic tools installed and you've refreshed yourself on how to put together meeting agendas, what's next? Well, quite a lot, based on a few years of participating in and running distributed teams for established companies. The tools and trappings are just the icing on the cake.
The "cake" is the underlying principles of running teams, and figuring out how to apply them to your remote team.
You will discover:
- What is the one key thing about running remote teams that makes everything else easier or unnecessary
- Why senior level alignment is critical for remote team effectiveness
- How to achieve team outcomes together at a distance
- Why numbers matter and how to think about them usefully in a remote context
- How to choose the right metrics to track progress, and why the type of metric matters more than the individual metrics
- How to achieve and maintain alignment from top to bottom to top
O Autorach
Lukasz has managed or participated in remote only knowledge work teams for almost a decade. Most recently, he led a program of approximately 30 distributed across 13 time zones and 8 different locations. Over the last 11 years, he has led teams building software, running marketing and sales, and launched a bestselling book. Remotely. In many cases, with people he never met or spoke to in person. Now that everyone has been thrust into a similar situation, he has been helping remote leaders adapt their style to a remote only environment. He is the author of Managing Remote Teams and host of the Managing Remote Teams podcast.
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