Writing Maintainable Unit Tests
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Writing Maintainable Unit Tests

Mastering the art of loosely coupled unit tests

About the Book

Are unit tests causing you pain? Are they constantly failing whenever you make changes to your production code? Do you spend a lot of time fixing them when they break? Are they difficult to set up and run? Do you have a hard time maintaining or structuring your unit test code? Are they causing you headaches from time to time? Are you on the brink of giving up on writing unit tests altogether or have you already done so?

Or do you just want to step up your game and want to learn more about how to write readable and maintainable unit tests?         

This book is for experienced software developers who want to improve upon their existing skills in writing unit tests. You will learn how to build loosely coupled, highly maintainable and robust unit tests that are trustworthy and improve the overall code quality of your software applications. The content of this book is based on 15+ years of experience with Test-Driven Development.

Although the examples in this book are written in C#, the principles and guidance are broadly applicable to other platforms and programming environments as well (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.). You will be able to universally apply this knowledge throughout the rest of your career.

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    • Automated Software Testing
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About the Author

Jan Van Ryswyck
Jan Van Ryswyck

I’m a professional software developer since Y2K. A blogger since Y2K+5. An author of written words. Provider of training and coaching in XP practices. Curator of the Awesome Talks list. Past organizer of the European Virtual ALT.NET meetings. Thinking and learning about all kinds of technologies since forever.

Software development is one of my great passions in life. My goal as a software craftsman is to provide simple and qualitative solutions to complex business problems. In order to accomplish this, I'm continuously deepening my existing skills and expertise while learning new skills and broadening my horizons. Sharing my knowledge and experiences with other people is another one of my lifetime goals.

My website can be found at https://principal-it.eu/.

Reader Testimonials

Jo Van Eyck
Jo Van Eyck

Recommended if you want to write tests without shooting yourself in the foot. Contains tons of useful heuristics to hit the ground running!

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Who Should Read This Book?
    • How This Book Is Organised
    • Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants
    • Source Code
  • Chapter 1: Types of Automated Tests
    • Introduction
    • But Why?
    • A Taxonomy of Tests
    • Solitary and Sociable Tests
    • The Test Pyramid
    • State and Behaviour Verification
    • Test-Driven Development
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Maintainable Solitary Tests
    • Introduction
    • Clean Solitary Tests
    • The DRY Principle
    • The Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP)
    • The DAMP Principle
    • Other Characteristics Of Maintainable Solitary Tests
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: The Anatomy of Solitary Tests
    • Introduction
    • Arrange, Act, Assert
    • AAA Per Test Method
    • Single Assert Per Test
    • Avoid SetUp / TearDown
    • AAA Per Test Class
    • Assert Last Principle
    • Naming Unit Tests
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Decoupling Patterns
    • Introduction
    • Only Test Through Public Interfaces
    • Object Mother
    • Test Data Builder
    • State and Behaviour Verification (Again)
    • Indirect Inputs and Outputs
    • Test Doubles
    • Test Double Heuristics
    • Subject Under Test Builder
    • Auto Mocking Container
    • Fixture Object
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Assertions and Observations
    • Introduction
    • Making Clear Observations
    • Only Asserts Should Cause Failing Tests
    • Single Assert Per Test
    • Procedural Versus Object State Verification
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Principles For Solitary Tests
    • Introduction
    • Avoid Inheritance For Test Classes
    • TDD Requires Design Skills
    • Avoid The Self-Shunt Pattern
    • Avoid Using The System Clock In Solitary Tests
    • Prevent Domain Knowledge From Sneaking Into Solitary Tests
    • Solitary Tests For Logging
    • Summary
  • Closing Thoughts
  • About The Author
  • Bibliography

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