Windows 10 System Programming, Part 2
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Windows 10 System Programming, Part 2

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Who Should Read This Book
    • What You Should Know to Use This Book
    • Sample Code
  • Chapter 13: Working With Memory
    • Memory APIs
    • The VirtualAlloc* Functions
      • Decommitting / Releasing Memory
    • Reserving and Committing Memory
      • The Micro Excel Application
    • Working Sets
      • The Working Sets Application
    • Heaps
      • Private Heaps
      • Heap Types
      • Heap Debugging Features
      • The C/C++ Runtime
      • The Local/Global APIs
      • Other Heap Functions
    • Other Virtual Functions
      • Memory Protection
      • Locking Memory
      • Memory Block Information
      • Memory Hint Functions
    • Writing and Reading to/from Other Processes
    • Large Pages
    • Address Windowing Extensions
    • NUMA
    • The VirtualAlloc2 Function
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: Memory Mapped Files
    • Introduction
    • Mapping Files
      • The filehist Application
    • Sharing Memory
      • Sharing Memory with File Backing
    • The Micro Excel 2 Application
    • Other Memory Mapping Functions
    • Data Coherence
    • Summary
  • Chapter 15: Dynamic Link Libraries
    • Introduction
    • Building a DLL
    • Implicit and Explicit Linking
      • Implicit Linking
      • Explicit Linking
      • Calling Conventions
      • DLL Search and Redirection
    • The DllMain Function
    • DLL Injection
      • Injection with Remote Thread
      • Windows Hooks
      • DLL Injecting and Hooking with SetWindowsHookEx
    • API Hooking
      • IAT Hooking
      • “Detours” Style Hooking
    • DLL Base Address
    • Delay-Load DLLs
    • The LoadLibraryEx Function
    • Miscellaneous Functions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Security
    • Introduction
      • WinLogon
      • LogonUI
      • LSASS
      • LsaIso
      • Security Reference Monitor
      • Event Logger
    • SIDs
    • Tokens
      • The Secondary Logon Service
      • Impersonation
      • Impersonation in Client/Server
    • Privileges
      • Super Privileges
    • Access Masks
    • Security Descriptors
      • The Default Security Descriptor
      • Building Security Descriptors
    • User Access Control
      • Elevation
      • Running As Admin Required
      • UAC Virtualization
    • Integrity Levels
      • UIPI
    • Specialized Security Mechanisms
      • Control Flow Guard
      • Process Mitigations
    • Summary
  • Chapter 17: The Registry
    • The Hives
      • HKEY_USERS
    • 32-bit Specific Hives
    • Working with Keys and Values
      • Reading Values
      • Writing Values
      • Deleting Keys and Values
      • Creating Registry Links
      • Enumerating Keys and Values
    • Registry Notifications
    • Transactional Registry
    • Registry and Impersonation
    • Remote Registry
    • Miscellaneous Registry Functions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 18: Pipes and Mailslots
    • Mailslots
      • Mailslot Clients
      • Multi-Mailslot Communication
    • Anonymous Pipes
      • The Command Redirect Application
    • Named Pipes
      • Pipe Client
      • The Pipe Calculator Application
      • Other Pipe Functions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 19: Services
    • Services Overview
    • Service Process Architecture
    • A Simple Service
      • Installing the Service
      • A Service Client
    • Controlling Services
      • Installing a Service
      • Starting a Service
      • Stopping a Service
      • Uninstalling the Service
    • Service Status and Enumeration
      • The enumsvc Application
    • Service Configuration
      • Service Description
      • Failure Actions
      • Pre-Shutdown Information
      • Delayed Auto-Start
      • Trigger Information
      • Preferred NUMA Node
      • Launch as PPL
    • Debugging Services
      • Interactive Services
    • Service Security
      • Service SID
      • Service Security Descriptor
    • Per-User Services
    • Miscellaenous Functions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 20: Debugging and Diagnostics
    • Debugger Output
      • The DebugPrint Application
    • Performance Counters
      • Working with Counters
      • The QSlice Application
    • Process Snapshots
      • Querying a Snapshot
      • The snapproc Application
    • Event Tracing for Windows
      • Creating ETW Sessions
      • Processing Traces
      • Real-Time Event Processing
      • The Kernel Provider
      • More ETW
    • Trace Logging
      • Publishing Events with Trace Logging
    • Debuggers
      • A Simple Debugger
      • More Debugging APIs
      • Writing a Real Debugger
    • Summary
  • Chapter 21: The Component Object Model
    • What is COM?
    • Interfaces and Implementations
    • The IUnknown Interface
    • HRESULTs
    • COM Rules (pun intended)
    • COM Clients
      • Step 1: Initialize COM
      • Step 2: Create the BITS Manager
      • Step 3: Create a BITS Job
      • Step 4: Add a Download
      • Step 5: Initiate the Transfer
      • Step 6: Wait for Transfer to Complete
      • Step 7: Display Results
      • Step 8: Clean Up
    • COM Smart Pointers
      • Querying for Interfaces
    • CoCreateInstance Under the Hood
      • CoGetClassObject
    • Implementing COM Interfaces
    • COM Servers
      • Implementing the COM Class
      • Implementing the Class Object (Factory)
      • Implementing DllGetClassObject
      • Implementing Self Registration
      • Registering the Server
      • Debugging Registration
      • Testing the Server
      • Testing with non C/C++ Client
    • Proxies and Stubs
    • IDL and Type Libraries
    • Threads and Apartments
      • The Free Threaded Marshalar (FTM)
    • Odds and Ends
    • Summary
  • Chapter 22: The Windows Runtime
    • Introduction
    • Working with WinRT
      • The IInspectable interface
    • Language Projections
      • C++/WinRT
      • Asynchronous Operations
      • Other Projections
    • Summary
  • Chapter 23: Structured Exception Handling
    • Termination Handlers
      • Replacing Termination Handlers with RAII
    • Exception Handling
      • Simple Exception Handling
    • Exception Information
    • Unhandled Exceptions
      • Just in Time Debugging
      • Windows Error Reporting (WER)
    • Vectored Exception Handling
    • Software Exceptions
      • High-Level Exceptions
      • Visual Studio Exception Settings
    • Summary
    • Book Summary

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