How to Win at Diplomacy
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How to Win at Diplomacy

Strategy for Face-to-Face, Online, and Tournaments

About the Book

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Includes 77 common mistakes and commentary on 28 popular openings.

Keep scrolling for a full table of contents down below.

Best -Erik

About the Author

Erik van Mechelen
Erik van Mechelen

"Writing gives me the highest highs." -Stephen Fry

Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgments
  • How You Think > What You Think
  • Also by the Author
  • Environment
  • Playing Diplomacy Online
    • The Game Conditions
    • 2020 Minnesota Diplomacy Club Game on Backstabbr
  • The Fundamentals
    • The Nature of Diplomacy
    • Stealing Your Destiny
    • Notation
    • Tactics
  • Coordination
  • Scoring Systems
    • Draw-Size Scoring (Winner Take All)
    • Sum of Squares
    • My Preferred, for a Club League System (Tribute)
  • Beautiful Imbalances
    • Unit Mix at Game Start
    • Relative Position of Neutrals
    • Why Austrian A Bud - Rum (Mostly) Doesn’t Work
    • Why Italy and France Don’t Fight
    • Supply Center and Unit Density
  • How to Solo
  • 77 Common Mistakes
    • No. 77 Not Speaking To All Players
    • No. 76 Not Speaking Equally to All Players
    • No. 75 Speaking to Players in the Same Order
    • No. 74 Deciding What Your Orders Are Prior to Negotiating
    • No. 73 Not Changing Your Orders Based on New Information
    • No. 72 Not Paying Attention to Time Spent Negotiating
    • No. 71 Oversimplifying a Player Read
    • No. 70 Ignoring Underlying Motivations
    • No. 69 Not Making Your Own Intentions Clear
    • No. 68 Disregarding the Scoring System
    • No. 67 Making Alliances Too Obvious
    • No. 66 Not Finding a Neighbor with whom to Collaborate
    • No. 65 Giving Up on a Bad Position
    • No. 64 Clinging to Ally
    • No. 63 Refusing to Make Good with an Ally Post Stab
    • No. 62 Failing to Commit
    • No. 61 Not Listening
    • No. 60 Inviting a Brutal Stab
    • No. 59 Not Using a Received Stab to Your Advantage
    • No. 58 Not Looking Inside Yourself
    • No. 57 Missing the Chance to Tell a Story
    • No. 56 Pretending Not to Suffer
    • No. 55 Running from the Truth
    • No. 54 Ignoring Asks
    • No. 53 Not Surprising People
    • No. 52 The Inability to Make Someone Believe You
    • No. 51 Losing Your Self-Discipline
    • No. 50 Losing Track of the Board Position
    • No. 49 Not Saying Thank You
    • No. 48 Opening to the English Channel…
    • No. 47 Not Having a Plan
    • No. 46 Staying within Your Limits
    • No. 45 Missing the Flow of the Game
    • No. 44 Letting One Mistake Blow Up Your Game
    • No. 43 Refusing to Consider Alternatives
    • No. 42 Ignoring Country-Specific Dynamics
    • No. 41 Avoiding Risk
    • No. 40 Not Eavesdropping
    • No. 39 Oversharing
    • No. 38 Judging People
    • No. 37 Missing Non-Verbals
    • No. 36 Opening to Silesia
    • No. 35 Not Owning Your Narrative
    • No. 34 Not Gaining Knowledge About Stalemate Lines
    • No. 33 Forgetting to Share Your Concerns
    • No. 32 Refreshing Your Perspective
    • No. 31 Failing to Adjust Player Reads
    • No. 30 Letting Yourself Get Angry
    • No. 29 Not Staying Hydrated and Fed
    • No. 28 Pretending to Be Someone You’re Not
    • No. 27 Coming Across as Less than Confident
    • No. 26 Celebrating Too Much
    • No. 25 Being a Cad
    • No. 24 Playing Too Much Online without Playing Face to Face
    • No. 23 Accepting Conventions
    • No. 22 Waiving Builds on Purpose
    • No. 21 Waiving Builds on Accident
    • No. 20 Building Too Many Fleets or Too Many Armies
    • No. 19 Not Throwing the Game…Sometimes
    • No. 18 Refusing to Give Gifts
    • No. 17 Not Shaking Hands
    • No. 16 Not Mixing in a Smile
    • No. 15 Leaving Charm Behind
    • No. 14 Being Dislikable
    • No. 13 Not Joking
    • No. 12 Refusing to Say Sorry
    • No. 11 Not Writing Down Your Orders
    • No. 10 Playing the Same Way with Each Player
    • No. 9 Missing the Morning Shower
    • No. 8 Deciding Not to Reflect on Your Game
    • No. 7 Forgetting There Are 7 Players in the Game
    • No. 6 Not Embracing the Warrior Mentality
    • No. 5 Let him have revenge…or he’ll take his revenge later.
    • No. 4 Stabbing Weakly or Indecisively
    • No. 3 Not Understanding Realpolitik
    • No. 2 Thinking You’ve Got it Figured Out
    • No. 1 Stealing Another Player’s Destiny
  • 28 Openings
    • Balkan Gambit (Austria)
    • Galician Gambit (Austria)
    • Hungarian Houseboat (Austria)
    • Southern Hedgehog (Austria)
    • The Splits (England)
    • Western (England)
    • Southern (England)
    • Northern (England)
    • FRANCE
    • Atlantic, The Vineyard (France)
    • Atlantic, Gascony Variation (France)
    • English Attack (France)
    • Atlantic, Maginot Variation (France)
    • Dutch, Burgundy Variation (Germany)
    • Anschluss (Germany)
    • Rhineland (Germany)
    • Blitzkrieg, Danish Variation (Germany)
    • ITALY
    • Alpine (Italy)
    • Panther / Shuffle (Italy)
    • Tyrolia Attack (Italy)
    • Tyrolian Lepanto (Italy)
    • RUSSIA
    • Southern System, Rumanian (Russia)
    • Northern System, The Squid (Russia)
    • Livonia System, Ukraine Variation (Russia)
    • Ukraine System, Souther Variation (Russia)
    • TURKEY
    • Turkish Hedgehog (Turkey)
    • Ship of the Desert (Turkey)
    • Crimean Crusher (Turkey)
    • Balkan Concentration (Turkey)
  • Endgame
  • Further Reading
  • Why There is Still No Game like Diplomacy

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