Web Performance Recipes
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Web Performance Recipes

Easy ways to boost your sales while making your users and the search engines happier

About the Book

First things first, let's define what web optimisation is.

Web optimisation aims at enhancing a website's performance to make a more satisfying user experience. It generally deals with improving the design of a website to increase the speed of loading and page functionalities. Efficient and optimised websites increase the duration of user interaction, increase the traffic volumes and improve the search engine scores.

So let's talk about performance. Performance is not a project, it's a process, kind of. So it cannot be considered a project because you cannot just build a team to do performance optimisation. Optimise after you build everything is gonna take a huge impact on the delivery time, it's gonna be a huge impact on cost. This is because some part of the optimisation process needs to be thought before the actual implementation. Some can actually happen after, some needs to happen before.

So when someone says the premature is the root of all evil, he's right, but the over optimisation is the real root of all evil. So, as said, performance is a process, not a project, so in every layer of the development cycle you need to think about performance, you need to think about the UI, the UX, you need to think about performance when you start writing PHP, ASP, .NET code, JavaScript code.

You need to think about performance even when you write the CSS. And you need to think about performance when you configure the web server, database server, the actual virtual machine, or, physical machine.

It's quite a horizontal process. It's not a project. Definitely not. So because it's a process, it involves every engineer in the building to do its part about performances, to think about performance. If everyone actually thinks how to make it better, a faster, lighter, the end result is definitely gonna be faster.

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About the Author

Fabio Cicerchia
Fabio Cicerchia

I'm Fabio, a Passionate Engineer and Engineering Manager with nearly 2 decades of expertise. Focused on optimising Architecture & Infrastructure (Containers & VMs), as well as Processes (Pipelines & Deployments).

Bringing value to the company by helping engineering teams in delivering value faster with higher standards.


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Table of Contents

  • Intro
    • Book’s Topic
    • Web Performances
    • Is all about money
  • Measuring
    • How?
    • Random Sampling
    • Central Tendency
    • Percentiles
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • Metrics
    • DOM Content Loaded
    • Full Load
    • Speed Index
  • Some Figures
    • 3rd Party?
    • GZip?
    • Images?
    • Redirect?
    • 2s slower?
    • 3s slower?
    • 4s?
    • 10s?
    • To infinity… and beyond!
    • Market Share
    • Poor Performances = Web Stress
    • References
  • Long story short
    • Losing Visitors
    • Losing Sales
    • Losing Ad-Revenue
    • Spending $$$
  • So, how to do it?
    • WPO (Web Performance Optimisation)
    • FEO (Front-End Optimisation)
    • WCO (Web Content Optimisation)
    • DSA (Dynamic Site Acceleration)
    • References
  • Let’s do it!
    • Level 0
    • Level 1
    • Level 2
    • Level 3
    • Level 4
    • Level 5
    • Level 6
  • Tools
    • Understand the Waterfall
    • Extra
    • References
  • Books
  • Are you lazy?
    • Which ones are the most important/common?
    • Bonus #1
    • Bonus #2

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