Interactive Smart Contracts on WAX
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Interactive Smart Contracts on WAX

About the Book

Dive into the dynamic world of the WAX blockchain with this comprehensive tutorial series. From creating unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using AtomicAssets and crafting simple "Hello World" contracts, to deploying intricate guestbook contracts both locally and on the testnet, these tutorials provide a step-by-step guide to harnessing the full potential of WAX. Whether you're a developer eager to explore decentralized applications or an enthusiast curious about digital assets, this series offers invaluable insights into the robust capabilities of the WAX platform.

About the Author

Ivan D Montiel
Ivan Montiel

Ivan is a Software Engineer who is the creator of Dark Emblem NFT and has worked at multiple startups.

Table of Contents

    • Intro to WAX NFTs and Smart Contracts
      • Introduction
      • Who is it for?
      • What will we learn?
      • An example
      • Next section
      • Further reading
    • Understanding the WAX Ecosystem
      • Introduction
      • The WAX Blockchain
      • NFTs on WAX
      • Smart Contracts on WAX
      • Up Next
      • Further reading
    • Setting Up a Local WAX Development Environment
      • Introduction
      • Installing Docker
      • Setting up a WAX Development Container
      • Creating a Local Blockchain
      • Creating a Local Wallet
      • Creating a Local Account
      • Conclusion
    • WAX Testnet Setup
      • Introduction
      • Creating a testnet user
      • Fund your wallet with WAXP
      • Add the account to Anchor
      • Add your account to your Docker container
      • Real examples
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • WAX Hello World Contract
      • Introduction
      • Connecting to Docker
      • Creating a WAX project
      • Compiling the project
      • Wrapping up
      • Additional links
    • WAX Guestbook Smart Contract
      • Introduction
      • Writing WAX Smart Contracts
      • Guestbook Example
      • Implementing the sign method
      • Compiling
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Deploying the WAX Guestbook Contract Locally
      • Introduction
      • Deploying the Contract Locally
      • Thinking Big
      • Conclusion
    • Deploying the WAX Guestbook Contract to the Testnet
      • Introduction
      • Unlock your wallet
      • Deploying to the Testnet
      • Interacting with your Smart Contract via CLI
      • Using
      • Thinking Securely
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • A Simple WAX NFT
      • Introduction
      • Creating the Project
      • Setting up the Interface
      • Minting
      • Transferring
      • Deploying
      • Downsides of a Simple NFT
      • Further reading
    • IPFS Bootcamp
      • Introduction
      • What is IPFS
      • Our Images
      • Uploading to IPFS
      • Referencing IPFS Files
      • Dark Emblem Images
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Introduction to AtomicAssets
      • Introduction
      • What is AtomicAssets
      • Understanding Collections and Structures
      • Looking at the Smart Contract
      • Tying it Together
      • Moving Forward
      • Further reading
    • Creating an AtomicAssets Collection
      • Introduction
      • The AtomicAssets Action
      • Setting up NodeJS
      • Creating a Script
      • Running the Script
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Create an AtomicAssets Schema
      • Introduction
      • Understanding createschema
      • Scripting the ChickEgg Schema
      • Scripting the BabyChick Schema
      • Running the Scripts
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Create AtomicAssets Templates
      • Introduction
      • Understanding the createtempl Action
      • Scripting ChickEgg Templates
      • Scripting BabyChicks Templates
      • Running the Scripts
      • Further reading
    • Manually Minting an AtomicAssets NFT
      • Introduction
      • Understanding the mintasset Action
      • Scripting an NFT Mint
      • Conclusion
      • Additional links
    • Using AtomicAssets in a Smart Contract
      • Introduction
      • Creating the project
      • Using AtomicAssets from our Smart Contract
      • Defining our Contract
      • Implementing the mint function
      • Adding a Mint Check
      • Implementing receive_token_transfer
      • Airdrops
      • Building
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Interacting with our NFTs
      • Introduction
      • Deploying the Smart Contract
      • Setting Permissions
      • Interacting via
      • Interacting via Anchor
      • Purchasing an NFT
      • Dark Emblem
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Using AtomicHub
      • Introduction
      • What is AtomicHub
      • Interacting on AtomicHub
      • Conclusion
    • Hatching NFTs with the WAX RNG Oracle
      • Introduction
      • Hatching an Egg
      • Updating our atomicassets Interface
      • Adding the RNG Oracle Interface
      • Creating a Randomness Provider
      • Updating Our Contract Header
      • Receiving AtomicAssets and Calling the Oracle
      • Minting a BabyChick/Burning a ChickEgg
      • Building
      • Conclusion
      • Further reading
    • Interacting with the Hatch Action
      • Introduction
      • Deploying Our Contract
      • Hatching an Egg
      • Conclusion
    • Deploying WAX Smart Contracts to Production
      • Introduction
      • Create a mainnet WAX Account
      • Setup Your mainnet Wallet
      • Create Your mainnet AtomicAsset Collection
      • Updating Our Smart Contract
      • Conclusion
    • Final Thoughts on WAX Smart Contracts
      • Introduction
      • Alternative Minting Methods
      • The WAX Ecosystem
      • Don’t Forget

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