The Majesty of Vue.js 2
The Majesty of Vue.js 2
About the Book
TL;DR: This title is the updated version of The Majesty of Vue.js, which sold over 700 copies, and was considered one of the first and top learning resources for the Vue.js framework. The book will be constantly updated to keep up with Vue.js 2 changes and new chapters will be added for a long time.
This book is addressed to anyone interested in learning Vue.js. It is useful for developers who are new to Vue.js as well as those who already use Vue.js and want to expand their knowledge. It is also helpful for developers who are looking to migrate to Vue.js 2.
A percentage (20%) of book earnings will be donated to Evan You to support the excellent work he's doing with the Vue framework.
If you are looking for more advanced topics like Vuex, Firebase, etc, check out Vue School.
This book will guide you through the path of the rapidly spreading Javascript Framework called Vue.js!
Some time ago, we started a new project based on Laravel and Vue.js. After thoroughly reading Vue.js' guide and a few tutorials, we discovered a lack of resources about Vue.js around the web. During the development of our project, we gained a lot of experience, so we came up with the idea to write this book in order to share our acquired knowledge with the world. Now that Vue.js 2 is out we decided it was time to update our book by publishing a second version where all examples and their relative contents are rewritten.
The book is written in an informal, intuitive, and easy-to-follow format, wherein all examples are appropriately detailed enough to provide adequate guidance to everyone. We’ll start with the very basics and through many examples, we’ll cover the most significant features of Vue.js 2.
The best way to learn code is to write code, so we have prepared one exercise at the end of most chapters for you to solve and actually test yourself on what you have learned. We have also updated the exercises and solutions for Vue 2, and strongly recommend you to try as much as possible to solve them in order to gain a better understanding of Vue.js.
By the end of this book, you will be able to create fast front end applications and increase the performance of your existing projects with Vue.js integration.
Who is this book for
Everyone who has spent time to learn modern web development has seen Bootstrap, Javascript, and many Javascript frameworks.
This book is for anyone interested in learning a lightweight and simple Javascript framework.
No excessive knowledge is required, though it would be good to be familiar with HTML and Javascript. If you don't know what the difference is between a string and an object, maybe you need to do some digging first.
This book is also useful for any reader who already know their way around Vue.js and want to expand their knowledge.
About the Contributors

Eugenia is an English teacher. She works as a translator and her main field is literature. However, she is challenged by all kinds of books. In her free time she likes to make subtitles for TV-series.
Table of Contents
About Vue.js
- Vue.js Overview
- What people say about Vue.js
Comparison with Other Frameworks
- Angular 1
- Angular 2
- React
- Ember
- Polymer
- Riot
- About the Book
- Who is this Book for
- Get In Touch
- Homework
- Sample Code
- Errata
- Conventions
About Vue.js
I Vue.js Fundamentals
1. Install Vue.js
1.1 Standalone Version
- 1.1.1 Download from
- 1.1.2 Include from CDN
- 1.2 Download using NPM
- 1.3 Download using Bower
1.1 Standalone Version
2. Getting Started
- 2.1 Hello World
- 2.2 Two-way Binding
- 2.3 Comparison with jQuery.
- 2.4 Homework
3. A Flavor of Directives.
- 3.1 v-show
3.2 v-if
- 3.2.1 Template v-if
- 3.3 v-else
- 3.4 v-if vs. v-show
- 3.5 Homework
4. List Rendering
- 4.1 Install & Use Bootstrap
4.2 v-for
- 4.2.1 Range v-for
4.3 Array Rendering
- 4.3.1 Loop Through an Array
- 4.3.2 Loop Through an Array of Objects
- 4.4 Object v-for
- 4.5 Homework
5. Interactivity
5.1 Event Handling
- 5.1.1 Handling Events Inline
- 5.1.2 Handling Events using Methods
5.1.3 Shorthand for
- 5.2 Event Modifiers
- 5.3 Key Modifiers
- 5.4 Computed Properties
- 5.5 Homework
5.1 Event Handling
6. Filters
6.1 Filtered Results
- 6.1.1 Using Computed Properties
- 6.2 Ordered Results
- 6.3 Custom Filters
- 6.4 Utility Libraries
- 6.5 Homework
6.1 Filtered Results
7. Components
- 7.1 What are Components?
- 7.2 Using Components
- 7.3 Templates
- 7.4 Properties
- 7.5 Reusability
- 7.6 Altogether
- 7.7 Homework
8. Custom Events
8.1 Emit and Listen
- 8.1.1 Lifecycle Hooks
- 8.2 Parent-Child Communication
- 8.3 Passing Arguments
- 8.4 Non Parent-Child Communication
- 8.5 Removing Event Listeners
- 8.6 Back to stories
- 8.7 Homework
8.1 Emit and Listen
9. Class and Style Bindings
9.1 Class binding
- 9.1.1 Object Syntax
- 9.1.2 Array Syntax
9.2 Style binding
- 9.2.1 Object Syntax
- 9.2.2 Array Syntax
- 9.3 Bindings in Action
- 9.4 Homework
9.1 Class binding
1. Install Vue.js
II Consuming an API
10. Preface
- 10.1 CRUD
10.2 API
- 10.2.1 Download Book’s Code
- 10.2.2 API Endpoints
11. Working with real data
- 11.1 Get Data Asynchronous
- 11.2 Refactoring
- 11.3 Update Data
- 11.4 Delete Data
12. HTTP Clients
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Vue-resource
- 12.3 Axios
- 12.4 Integrating axios
12.5 Enhancing Functionality
- 12.5.1 Edit Stories
- 12.5.2 Create New Stories
- 12.5.3 Store & Update Unit
- 12.6 JavaScript File
- 12.7 Source Code
12.8 Homework
- 12.8.1 Preface
- 12.8.2 API Endpoints
- 12.8.3 Your Code
13. Pagination
- 13.1 Implementation
- 13.2 Pagination Links
- 13.3 Homework
10. Preface
III Building Large-Scale Applications
14. ECMAScript 6
14.1 Introduction
- 14.1.1 Compatibility
14.2 Variable Declarations
- 14.2.1 Let Declarations
- 14.2.2 Constant Declarations
- 14.3 Arrow Functions
- 14.4 Modules
- 14.5 Classes
- 14.6 Default Parameter Values
- 14.7 Template literals
14.1 Introduction
15. Advanced Workflow
15.1 Compiling ES6 with Babel
- 15.1.1 Installation
- 15.1.2 Configuration
- 15.1.3 Build alias
- 15.1.4 Usage
- 15.1.5 Homework
15.2 Workflow Automation with Gulp
- 15.2.1 Task Runners
- 15.2.2 Installation
- 15.2.3 Usage
- 15.2.4 Watch
- 15.2.5 Homework
15.3 Module Bundling with Webpack
- 15.3.1 Module Bundlers
- 15.3.2 Webpack
- 15.3.3 Installation
- 15.3.4 Usage
- 15.3.5 Automation
- 15.4 Summary
15.1 Compiling ES6 with Babel
16. Working with Single File Components
16.1 The
- 16.1.1 Vue’s Templates
- 16.1.2 Installation
- 16.1.3 Usage
16.2 Webpack Template
- 16.2.1 Project Structure
- 16.2.2 index.html
- 16.2.3 Hello.vue
- 16.2.4 App.vue
- 16.2.5 main.js
16.3 Forming
Files- 16.3.1 Nested Components
16.1 The
17. Eliminating Duplicate State
- 17.1 Sharing with Properties
- 17.2 Global Store
18. Swapping Components
18.1 Dynamic Components
18.1.1 The
special attribute - 18.1.2 Navigation
18.1.1 The
18.1 Dynamic Components
19. Vue Router
- 19.1 Installation
- 19.2 Usage
- 19.3 Named Routes
- 19.4 History mode
- 19.5 Nested routes
19.6 Auto-CSS active class
- 19.6.1 Custom Active Class
- 19.7 Route Object
- 19.8 Dynamic Segments
- 19.9 Route Alias
- 19.10 Programmatic Navigation
19.11 Transitions
- 19.11.1 Introduction
- 19.11.2 Usage
- 19.11.3 3rd-party CSS animations
- 19.12 Navigation Guards
- 19.13 Homework
- 20. Closing Thoughts
21. Further Learning
- 21.1 Tutorials
- 21.2 Videos
- 21.3 Books
- 21.4 Open source projects
- 21.5 Awesome Vue
14. ECMAScript 6
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