Table of Contents
Formålet med dette kursus er at give dig kendskab til forskellige databasemodeller, til databaseserveres virkemåde og til forskellige anvendelser af databaser.
- Databasemodeller
- Relationel model (herunder relationel algebra)
- Mapping og mapping frameworks
- Videregående SQL
- Transaktionshåndtering
- Fysisk niveau: indeks, query-optimering
- Avanceret databaseanvendelse
- forskellige databasemodeller
- mapping og mapping frameworks
- driftsmæssige forhold i forbindelse med databasesystemer
- forespørgselsafvikling
- forskellige udvalgte databaseanvendelser
- designe databaseløsninger
- implementere effektive databaseløsninger
- implementere databaseløsninger med flere samtidige brugere
- vælge hensigtsmæssige databasemodeller, arkitekturer og teknologier
- følge udviklingen på databaseområdet.
30 minutteres mundtlig prøve kombineret med et praktisk produkt og en disposition
Dag 1
- Introduktion
- Relational Model
- Relational Algebar
Dag 2
- Advanced SQL
- Security
- Transaction
- Query processing
Dag 3
Dag 4
Dag 5
Dag 6
- Repetion
The relational model
The relational model (RM) for database management is an approach to managing data using a structure and language consistent with first-order predicate logic, first described in 1969 by Edgar F. Codd.
In the relational model of a database, all data is represented in terms of tuples, grouped into relations.
A database organized in terms of the relational model is a relational database.
In the relational model, related records are linked together with a “key”.
The purpose of the relational model is to provide a declarative method for specifying data and queries:
users directly state what information the database contains and what information they want from it, and let the database management system software take care of describing data structures for storing the data and retrieval procedures for answering queries
The relational model’s objectives
To allow a high degree of data independence. Application programs must not be affected by modifications to the internal data representation, particularly by changes to file organizations, record orderings, or access paths.
To provide substantial grounds for dealing with data semantics, consistency, and redundancy problems. In particular, Codd’s paper introduced the concept of normalized relations, that is, relations that have no repeating groups.
To enable the expansion of set-oriented data manipulation languages.
Relational Data Structure
- A Relation is a table with columns and rows
- An Attribute is a named column of a relation
- A Tuple is a row of a relation
- The Degree of a relation is the number of attributes it contains
- The Cardinality of a relation is the number of tuples it contains
- A Domain is the set of allowable values for one or more attributes
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Chapter Three
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Chapter Three
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Chapter Three
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Chapter Three
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That’s it for the brief introduction to Leanpub.