Upgrade to Rails 4
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Upgrade to Rails 4

A thorough guide for upgrading your Rails 3 app

About the Book

Covering new Rails 4 features such as Turbolinks, Live Streaming and Strong Parameters!

Have you been thinking of upgrading your Rails application to Rails 4 but don't know where to start? Are you curious about the new features Rails 4 introduces? Then Upgrade to Rails 4 is the perfect book for you.

Rails 4 introduces an abundance of new features. Learn about these to stay up to date with the latest developments, and modernize your application. All deprecated features will be covered in depth along with an explanation of how to replace them. Using the included checklist, you can verify that you have updated all breaking changes when upgrading your Rails 3 application.

Upgrade to Rails 4 contains more than 32 chapters covering important new and deprecated features in Rails 4.

About the Author

Philip De Smedt
Philip De Smedt

Philip De Smedt is the co-founder of 3bytestrings, a development shop for Ruby on Rails applications. He has a breadth of experience as a lead developer and CTO using technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Node.js and ElasticSearch. He has been heavily involved in the start-up world with his previous company Mashpan. Mashpan was recognized as one of the top 20 tech startups in Europe by business incubator Seedcamp. When he's not developing software, he is cycling or writing on his blog Ruby Snippets.

Table of Contents

    • Who should read this book
    • About the Author
    • Upgrading your Rails gem
  • New Features
    • Turbolinks
      • How does it work?
      • Disable Turbolinks
      • How much faster is Turbolinks?
      • Using Turbolinks in Rails 3
    • Controller-Wide ETags
      • How does it work?
    • Russian Doll Caching
      • How does it work?
      • Cache Digests in Rails 3
    • Thread-safe by default
      • Concurrency in Ruby
      • MRI 1.8
      • MRI 1.9
      • MRI 2.0
      • How does it work?
      • Writing Thread-Safe Code
      • Thread Safety in your web app
    • Live Streaming
      • How does it work?
      • What can we do with Live Streaming?
    • Encrypted Cookies
      • How to upgrade
    • Routing Concerns
      • How does it work?
      • Using Routing Concerns in Rails 3
    • Strong Parameters
      • Rails 4 Changes
      • strong_parameters methods
      • Using strong_parameters in Rails 3
    • Default Headers
    • Postgres H-Store Support
      • How does it work?
      • H-Store in Rails 3
    • Active Model Absence Validator
      • How does it work?
    • Schema Cache Dump
      • How does it work?
    • Active Record Additions
      • Null Object Pattern
      • destroy!
      • update_columns
      • Default ordering added to first
      • Multiple columns with Pluck
      • IdentityMap Removed
    • Collection Form Helpers
      • How does it work?
    • ActiveModel::Model
      • How to upgrade
    • The HTTP Patch Verb
      • Rails 4 Changes
    • New Default Test Locations
    • Active Record Not Equal Support
    • Custom Flash Types
      • How does it work?
    • HTML5 Form Input Helpers
      • week_field
      • date_field
      • month_field
      • time_field
      • datetime_field and datetime_local_field
      • color_field
  • Changes and Deprecated Features
    • Dynamic Index Page
    • Page Caching
      • Why it was removed
      • How to upgrade
    • Action Caching
      • Why it was removed
      • How to upgrade
    • Observers and Sweepers
      • Action Controller Sweeper
      • Active Record Observer
      • Why it was removed
      • How to upgrade
    • Active Record Session Store
      • Why it was removed
      • How to upgrade
    • Sprockets
      • Why it was removed
    • Renaming _filter callback to _action callback
      • How to upgrade
    • No more vendor/plugins
      • How to upgrade
    • Deprecated Active Record finders
      • How to upgrade
    • Active Resource
      • Why it was removed
      • How to upgrade
    • Rails 4 requires Ruby 1.9 or higher
      • Why is was removed
      • How to upgrade
    • XML Parameter Parsing
      • How to upgrade
      • Why it was removed
    • Performance Tests
      • How to upgrade
    • Install binstubs by default
      • How does it work?
  • Upgrade Checklist
  • What got scrapped
    • Background Queuing
      • How it works
      • How to upgrade
    • Asynchronous Action Mailer
      • How it works
  • Closing Thoughts
  • Change log
      • May 20, 2013
      • September 22, 2013

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