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About the Book
'Unreal Boy' is a 71,000-word-plot-driven-psychological and erotic narrative which is unique in that it sheds light on mental health issues leading to rare types of sex addictions that are not often discussed openly.
Throughout the chapters, "Unreal Boy" delves into the flawed-character of a nineteen-year old college student Ami, who struggles with compulsive sex addiction and delusional paranoia that involves women.
Besides, he struggles with his intricate relationships with two women, Nila and Mili, and as the story progresses, secrets, lies, and a dark past unfold, leading to a tale that navigates themes of morality, power, and identity-crisis.
About the Author
A Freak, a split personality, in an absurd journey that starts from nowhere, and ends up nowhere. Sanjib Sinha no longer writes tech, but Sanjib Deb Sinha writes stories.