Building a Universal Machine
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Building a Universal Machine

A Hands-on Introduction to Computability

About the Book

A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to unraveling the intricacies of computer functionality, tracing its evolution from ancient logic to electronic circuits. This book is supposed to be engaging, with an emphasis on practical applications rather than dry mathematical concepts.

The hands-on approach ensures that readers grasp the fundamentals as they embark on the task of building a universal computer in JavaScript using only previously learned elements.

About the Author

Tomas Tulka
Tomas Tulka

is keen on building small machines

Table of Contents

  • About the Book
  • I.Welcome to the Machine
    • 1.In Pursuit of Mechanical Thought
      • Logic
      • Metamathematics
      • Incompleteness
      • Entscheidungsproblem
      • Church–Turing Thesis
      • Timeline
    • 2.Everything Is a Number
      • Numeral Systems
      • Sets
      • Numbers
    II.Abstract Machines
    • 3.Simple Machines
      • Finite Automata
        • Nondeterministic Finite Automata
        • Regular Languages and Expressions
      • Pushdown Automata
        • Nondeterministic Pushdown Automata
        • Probabilistic Automata
        • Context-Free Languages
      • Linear Bounded Automata
        • Context-Sensitive Languages
    • 4.Universal Machines
      • Turing Machines
        • Decidable Languages
        • Subroutines
        • Multitape
        • Fixed-End Tape
        • Nondeterministic Machines
        • Restricted Alphabet
      • Universal Turing Machines
        • Input Encoding
        • Virtual Tapes
        • Design
        • Implementation
        • Testing
        • Programming
        • Rrr
        • Self-Interpreter
      • The Halting Problem
        • Semi-Decidable Languages
    • 5.Number Machines
      • Register Machines
        • Counter Machines
        • Random-Access Machines
        • Stored-Program Machines
        • Universal Register Machine
      • Recursive Functions
        • Primitive recursion
        • Partial Recursion
        • Universal Recursive Function
        • Simulating Recursive Functions
    • 6.Programming Machines
      • Turing Completeness
      • Structured Programming
    • 7.Small Machines
      • Minimal-State Turing Machines
        • Wolfram 2,3
      • Lambda Calculus
        • Non-Halting Lambda Functions
        • Syntactic Sugar
        • Numbers
        • Functional Programming
        • Combinatory Logic
      • Tag Systems
        • Universal Tag Systems
        • Cyclic Tag Systems
      • Cellular Automata
        • The Game of Life
        • Universal Cells
        • Rules
      • One-Instruction Set Computers
    • 8.Hyper Machines
      • Quantum Computers
      • Super-Recursive Algorithms
      • Oracles
      • Inductive Turing Machines
      • Exotic Machines
    III.Actual Machines
    • 9.Mechanical Machines
      • Ancient Devices
      • Medieval Inventions
      • First Reckoners
        • Pascaline
        • Leibniz calculator
        • Jacquard Loom
      • Early Computers
        • Analytical Engine
        • Z3
        • Mark I
        • ENIAC
        • EDVAC
    • 10.Logic Machines
      • Logic Gates
        • NOT Gate
        • AND Gate
        • OR Gates
        • XOR Gate
        • NOR Gate
        • NAND Gate
      • Logic Circuits
        • Arithmetics
        • Multiplexers
        • Storages
    • 11.Electronic Machines
      • Integrated Circuits
      • Transistors
    • 12.Computer Machines
      • Clock
      • Cache
      • Memory
      • Universal Computer
        • Processor
    IV.Goodbye, Machine
    • 13.Mind Machines
      • Universality
      • Computing the Universe
      • Machines Like Us
      • In Summary
    • Appendix
      • Examples of Turing Machines
        • Copier
        • Palindromes
        • Hello World
      • Universal Turing Machine
      • Structured Universal Machine
      • Structured Universal Machine (Extended)
      • Universal Minsky Machine
      • Universal Recursive Function in JavaScript
      • Universal Tag System
      • Lambda Calculus Generic Recursion
    • References

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