Raphael Albino
Since 2007 I have been developing my experience dealing with digital, business process, marketing, and information technology projects and clients.
Nowadays I am a Ph.D. candidate at FEA USP where I finished my master degree in Business and Management.
I worked with a range of different types of projects like sales force automation systems, integration systems, electronic procurement solutions and digital marketing solutions.
In the last three years, I had the opportunity to help companies create business agility acting as an agile specialist (Agile Coach).
At 2017 I wrote a book called "Métricas Ágeis - Obtenha melhores resultados em sua equipe" - https://www.casadocodigo.com.br/products/livro-metricas-ageis (readers feedbacks are available in https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35341623-m-tricas-geis)