Justyna Pindel
Justyna is a certified passionate Training from the Back of the Room Trainer addicted to learning. She claims to have Agile in her DNA. As an Agile Believer & Practitioner, she always looks for the (im)possible 1% improvement. As a Flight Levels Guide, she helps orgnanizations to achieve business agility at every level.
Inspired by Paul Klipp, she fell in love with Kanban and started sharing it with not only people from the IT world. After years of startups rollercoaster, she decided to move to more complex business systems and started working with bigger enterprises. In her consulting and coaching work, she helps organizations to improve their flow and build a culture that strives for the best in people.
Justyna shares her thoughts every two weeks in the Agile Book Club podcast. Other than listening to her online, it’s not so hard to meet her at events around Europe, at the ACE! Conference that she co-organizes, during her international training sessions or during other conferences. Don’t be shy. Come say hello. She already likes you if you like pandas and books!