Elena Harder
Elena Harder’s mission is to bring more JoyGasm to the world!
She is the founder of this modern (smartphone inclusive) path for the modern spiritual warrior to create a life of immense joy and embodied bliss. The JoyGasmic Path brings together the best wisdom from modern science, neuroplasticity, positive psychology, mindfulness, with the ancient spiritual practices of Chi Gong, Tantra, cuddling, singing, dancing, imagination and play.
After years of suffering through postpartum depression, self-sabotage, overworking, people pleasing, and a nasty relationship with an abusive alcoholic Elena created the JoyGasm Core Practices from to heal her heart, soul and brain from the experience. Since then she’s helped hundreds of others create a relationship with their JoyGasmic Self to heal broken hearts, remove negative self-talk, eliminate stress, fear, depression, and bring immense joy into daily life.
Her current personal records for longest standing greeting hug is 22 minutes, longest continuous solo laugh 26 minutes, and longest collaborative laugh at 1 hour 45 minutes!