Jonathan Lamim
Jonathan Lamim has been a software developer since 2005, and in these almost 15 years working with technology he has had the opportunity to serve companies both in Brazil and in countries such as Japan, the United States, Australia, Canada and Germany.
He developed from institutional websites to support systems for internal processes of financial institutions, and with that he can acquire extensive experience to share in his books already published.
He also contributes to the development of CodeIgniter 4 and other open source projects, and produces content about technology and personal and professional development that he publishes on his blog.
In addition to his experience and work in the technology area, Jonathan also has training in coaching and behavioral analysis, knowledge that he uses both in developing solutions in a more humane way, as well as working as a speaker and trainer.
To learn more about the author, follow him on social media:
- Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/jonathanlamim
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/jonathanlamim
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/JonathanLamimAntunes
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/jlamim
- GitHub: https://github.com/jlamim
- Personal Website: https://jonathanlamim.com.br
- Dev.to: https://dev.to/jonathanlamim