Two For Joy
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Two For Joy

About the Book

Simon Jenner’s third collection establishes him as an emerging major voice. Two For Joy locates itself specifically in the Greenwich and Brighton of psycho-geographers’ nightmares (he knows a few) into the jokily devastating that’s come to be expected of him. An even tauter political engagement goes with a countervaling seasonal adjustment not prominent before. At the heart of this collection lie two kinds of elegy: monologues – especially the Swinburne sequence dedicated to Peter Porter -  and other assumptions. Then three elegaic sections: one on a living man, one on a dead, and another as requiescats for the real obituaries of friends Jenner has written of for the Guardian. The language is more crystalline yet resonant; this collection ranges over a wider period (2005-13), sharpens perspectives on new achievements and almost casually evinces what a multi-valent, exasperating poet he is. Again emblems of the 1960s counterculture of his childhood (so he was both there, and remembers it almost sober) haunt the absolutes confronting us today. Yet again Jenner contrives some escape; this collection also commemorates those who haven’t. Here Jenner’s brilliance inherits its own bitter chorus of farewells. 

About the Author

Simon Jenner
Simon Jenner

Simon Jenner was born in Cuckfield, Sussex in 1959. Failing everything at school except art, he learnt to fly instead, though discovering poetry forestalled a career in airframes. Belatedly educated at Leeds, then Cambridge, his PhD topic was paradoxically ’Oxford Poetry of the 1940s’. There followed  BBC Commissions between 1999 and 2003. His debut - two bi-lingual volumes in Germany following tours, in 1996 and ’97 - preceded his British debut collection, About Bloody Time,  published by Waterloo Press in 2007, followed in 2011 by Wrong Evenings. Perdika launched his Pessoa at the Portuguese embassy in 2010 (his Propertius translations will follow), and Agenda Editions scheduled his volume on composers at Glyndebourne, for 2014. He received a South East Arts Bursary in 1999, Royal Literary Fund grants in 2003, 2006 and 2012. He has been Director of Survivors’ Poetry since 2003 and, from 2008-10, a Royal Literary Fund Fellow, at the Universities of East London and Chichester.

Table of Contents

  • I
    • The Periodic Charm
    • Southwark Stoop
    • Charlie the Fence
    • Sinking
    • Number Six
    • North Greenwich
    • Brighton May 15th
    • Haze
    • Zig-Zag
    • Where They Go
    • The Prophetic Stain
    • Plymouth
    • News
    • Crossing my Palm
    • Variations on Stage Beauty
    • Key
    • RAF Wittering, 1977
    • Long Hot Summer
    • April 1st 1649
    • Sociology Encounter
  • II Swinburne Replies
    • Swinburne Replies I: 2, The Pines: Beerbohm’s Visit
    • Swinburne Replies II: His Library
    • Swinburne Replies III: 1905 19th Century, Routledge Poets
    • Swinburne Replies IV: Another Howler, Master
    • Swinburne Replies V: Remembered Waters
    • Swinburne Replies VI: Walter Pater’s Ejaculations
    • Swinburne Replies VII: Keats’ Cat
    • Swinburne Replies VIII: Losing My Touch
    • Swinburne Replies IX: Another Howler, Posterity
    • Swinburne Replies X: Benjamin Jowett’s Classic Pet
    • Swinburne Replies XI: For A Life of Wylie
    • Swinburne Replies XII: Cousin Mary Gordon
    • Swinburne Replies XIII: Mother as Laclos’s Marquise de Merteuil
    • Swinburne Replies XIV: Fire’s Thicker
  • III
    • 1 1 13
    • March 31st
    • Equinox
    • Imperial Measure
    • Seeded
    • Trace
    • Precession I
    • Precession II
    • Medusa Moments
    • Watching David Hamilton
    • Pygmalion
    • Narcissus’ Posterity
    • Trim
    • Ballad of the Doppelgänger
    • Saltpetre and Mercury
    • June 7th, 1980
    • Sturturous Muse
    • Gibberish Run
    • Thirty Years After
    • August 12th
    • Virgo Rising
  • IV
    • Venus Retrograde
    • Turn
    • Empties
    • Imperfect Score
    • Dungeon Master
    • Tube Poem II
    • My Sister, Life
  • V
    • Rattigan’s Versions
    • Titov Dying
    • The Fourth Secretary’s Tale
    • Fourth Son
    • Stuart Sutcliffe, PRA
  • VI
    • Dead Man Running
    • The Changes: First Position
    • 72b Waterloo Road
    • Lights Out
    • Fuck Your Asperger’s Psycho-Babble, Jenner
    • Dopplegänger
    • Dead Friends
    • Chi
    • The Changes: Sixth Position
    • His Rest
  • VII To Martin Seymour-Smith
    • To Martin Seymour-Smith
    • Letter to Martin in a Bexhill Pub
    • The Balance
    • Martin’s Books
    • Martin’s Women
  • VIII
    • Obituary Writer
    • The White Devil
    • Leon de Mazio
    • March 6th
    • Elegy for Three
    • Beryl’s Light
    • The Eighth Passenger
    • Flat 101
    • For Jenny and Ian Fairley
    • For Gabriel Duffy
    • The Poor Obituarist
    • Reply to Grigson’s ‘Lecture Note: Elizabethan Period’
  • Notes

About the Publisher

This book is published on Leanpub by Waterloo Press

Waterloo Press offers readers an eclectic list of the most inventive and stimulating poetry from the UK and abroad. Our beautifully designed books range from lost modernist classics to translations of senior international poets and vibrant collections by the best young British poets around. Waterloo Press brings radical and marginalised voices to the fore, mirroring the aesthetic value of their work in outstanding book design, including dust jackets; large font; and original artwork for the covers. With its diverse and growing list, Waterloo Press breaks down the borders between contemporary schools of poetry, to forge a new poetics based on respect for craft, innovation and the challenge of real communication. You can find the press at:

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