Twilight Strategy
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Twilight Strategy

A comprehensive strategy guide to Twilight Struggle

About the Book

This is a collection of articles from Twilight Strategy, a website devoted to analyzing the number-one ranked board game Twilight Struggle.

About the Author


Our sister projects include:

Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
    • New to Twilight Struggle?
    • Is Twilight Struggle for me?
  • General Strategy
    • General Strategy: Events vs Operations
    • General Strategy: Opening Setup
    • General Strategy: Turn 1
    • General Strategy: DEFCON
    • General Strategy: Reshuffles
    • General Strategy: The Space Race
    • General Strategy: The AR7 Play
    • General Strategy: Realignments
  • Early War
    • Duck and Cover
    • Five Year Plan
    • Socialist Governments
    • Fidel
    • Vietnam Revolts
    • Blockade
    • Korean War
    • Romanian Abdication
    • Arab-Israeli War
    • Comecon
    • Nasser
    • Warsaw Pact Formed
    • De Gaulle Leads France
    • Captured Nazi Scientist
    • Truman Doctrine
    • Olympic Games
    • NATO
    • Independent Reds
    • Marshall Plan
    • Indo-Pakistani War
    • Containment
    • CIA Created
    • US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact
    • Suez Crisis
    • East European Unrest
    • Decolonization
    • Red Scare/Purge
    • UN Intervention
    • De-Stalinization
    • Nuclear Test Ban
    • Formosan Resolution
    • Defectors
    • The Cambridge Five
    • Special Relationship
    • NORAD
    • Early War recap
  • Mid War
    • Brush War
    • Arms Race
    • Cuban Missile Crisis
    • Nuclear Subs
    • Quagmire
    • SALT Negotiations
    • Bear Trap
    • Summit
    • How I Learned to Stop Worrying
    • Junta
    • Kitchen Debates
    • Missile Envy
    • We Will Bury You
    • Brezhnev Doctrine
    • Portuguese Empire Crumbles
    • South African Unrest
    • Allende
    • Willy Brandt
    • Muslim Revolution
    • ABM Treaty
    • Cultural Revolution
    • Flower Power
    • U-2 Incident
    • OPEC
    • Lone Gunman
    • Colonial Rear Guards
    • Panama Canal Returned
    • Camp David Accords
    • Puppet Governments
    • Grain Sales to Soviets
    • John Paul II Elected Pope
    • Latin American Death Squads
    • OAS Founded
    • Nixon Plays the China Card
    • Sadat Expels Soviets
    • Shuttle Diplomacy
    • The Voice of America
    • Liberation Theology
    • Ussuri River Skirmish
    • “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…”
    • Alliance for Progress
    • “One Small Step…”
    • Che
    • Our Man in Tehran
    • Mid War recap
  • Late War
    • Iranian Hostage Crisis
    • The Iron Lady
    • Reagan Bombs Libya
    • Star Wars
    • North Sea Oil
    • The Reformer
    • Marine Barracks Bombing
    • Soviets Shoot Down KAL-007
    • Glasnost
    • Ortega Elected in Nicaragua
    • Terrorism
    • Iran-Contra Scandal
    • Chernobyl
    • Latin American Debt Crisis
    • Tear Down This Wall
    • “An Evil Empire”
    • Aldrich Ames Remix
    • Pershing II Deployed
    • Wargames
    • Solidarity
    • Iran-Iraq War
    • Yuri and Samantha
    • AWACS Sale to Saudis
    • Late War recap
  • Regions
    • Regions: Europe
    • Regions: Middle East
    • Regions: Asia
    • Regions: South America
    • Regions: Africa
    • Regions: Central America
    • Regions: Southeast Asia
  • Annotated Game #1
    • Early War
    • Mid War
    • Late War
  • Annotated Game #2
    • Early War
    • Mid / Late War
  • Designer’s Notes
  • Glossary
  • Copyright/Contact

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