Trunk-Based Development And Branch By Abstraction
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Trunk-Based Development And Branch By Abstraction

About the Book

An all you need to know reference book about trunk-based development, Branch by abstraction and related software development practices. Many diagrams throughout, and a sections on working out how your company can get from where you are to trunk-based development, CI, CD and all that comes with it.

About the Author

Paul Hammant
Paul Hammant

The world's top expert on Trunk-Based Development and Branch by Abstraction. Also Selenium (v1) and PicoContainer co-creator.

Table of Contents

    • 1 Preface
    • 2 Introduction
      • 2.1 Brief Summary
      • 2.2 Claims
      • 2.3 Caveats
      • 2.4 History
    • 3 Context
      • 3.1 Trunk-Based Development prerequisites
      • 3.2 Trunk-Based Development facilitates
      • 3.3 Psychological safety
    • 4 Five-minute overview
      • 4.1 Distance between developers
      • 4.2 What it is
      • 4.3 A safety net
      • 4.4 Developer team commitments
      • 4.5 Drilling into “Distance”
    • 5 Deciding Factors
      • 5.1 Release cadence
      • 5.2 Source-Control Technology Choice
      • 5.3 Conway’s Law
      • 5.4 Database migrations
      • 5.5 Shared code
      • 5.6 Which dev teams?
    • 6 Source-Control System Features
      • 6.1 Productivity
      • 6.2 Governance
    • 7 Source-Control System Choices
      • 7.1 Git and Mercurial
      • 7.2 Perforce
      • 7.3 Subversion
      • 7.4 Team Foundation Server - TFS
      • 7.5 PlasticSCM
    • 8 Feature flags
      • 8.1 Granularity
      • 8.2 Implementation
      • 8.3 Continuous Integration Pipelines
      • 8.4 Runtime Switchable
      • 8.5 Build Flags
      • 8.6 A/B testing and betas
      • 8.7 Tech Debt - pitfall
      • 8.8 Flags History
    • 9 Branch by Abstraction - Introduction
      • 9.1 Ideal steps
      • 9.2 Contrived example
      • 9.3 Real life software example
      • 9.4 Secondary benefits
      • 9.5 Not a panacea
      • 9.6 More reading for this procedure
      • 9.7 History
    • 10 Branch for release
      • 10.1 Who is committing where?
      • 10.2 Late creation of release branches
      • 10.3 Fix production bugs on Trunk
      • 10.4 Patch releases
      • 10.5 Release branch deletion
    • 11 Release From Trunk
    • 12 Styles of Trunk-Based Development
      • 12.1 Committing Straight to the Trunk
      • 12.2 Short-Lived Feature Branches
      • 12.3 Coupled “Patch Review” System
      • 12.4 The Importance of a Local build
      • 12.5 Choosing a style
    • 13 Continuous Integration (CI)
      • 13.1 Continuous Integration - as defined
      • 13.2 CI services: Bots verifying human actions
      • 13.3 Advanced CI topics
      • 13.4 Industry CI daemon confusion
      • 13.5 Server/daemon implementations
    • 14 Committing straight to the trunk
    • 15 Alternatives to committing straight to the trunk
    • 16 Short-Lived Feature Branches
      • 16.1 Merge directionality
      • 16.2 Two developers concurrently working on short-lived feature branches
      • 16.3 Personal preferences
      • 16.4 Breaking the principles
    • 17 Alternatives to short-lived feature branches
    • 18 Continuous Code Review
      • 18.1 The high bar today
      • 18.2 Pull Requests (PRs)
      • 18.3 Open Source contributions via PRs
      • 18.4 PRs from colleagues
      • 18.5 Common Code Owners
      • 18.6 Enterprise code review - in the past
      • 18.7 Mondrian
    • 19 Continuous Delivery (CD)
      • 19.1 Continuous Deployment
    • 20 Concurrent development of consecutive releases
      • 20.1 Concurrent Development?
      • 20.2 Oops?
      • 20.3 Reorder Releases?
      • 20.4 Un-merge?
      • 20.5 Flags, abstractions, and pipelines
    • 21 Application/service strangulation
    • 22 Observed habits
      • 22.1 No Code Freeze
      • 22.2 Quick Reviews
      • 22.3 Chasing HEAD
      • 22.4 Running the build locally
      • 22.5 Facilitating commits
      • 22.6 Powering through broken builds
      • 22.7 Shared Nothing
      • 22.8 Common code ownership
      • 22.9 Always Release Ready
      • 22.10 Thin vertical slices
    • 23 You’re doing it wrong
      • 23.1 Merely naming a branch trunk.
      • 23.2 Cherry-pick of bug fixes from release branches to the trunk
      • 23.3 Merging rather than cherry-pick to/from a release branch
      • 23.4 Duration of ‘short-lived’ feature branches
      • 23.5 Numbers of developers on ‘short-lived’ feature branches
      • 23.6 Every day not being the same for developers.
      • 23.7 Keeping a single release branch
      • 23.8 Merge from one release branch to another release branch
      • 23.9 Merge everything back from a release branch at the end of the release branch
    • 24 Alternative branching models
      • 24.1 Modern claimed high-throughput branching models
      • 24.2 Legacy branching models
      • 24.3 More than one trunk
      • 24.4 CI (dis)proof of your branching model
    • 25 Monorepos
      • 25.1 Third-party dependencies
      • 25.2 In-house dependencies
      • 25.3 Code Ownership
      • 25.4 Directed graph build systems
      • 25.5 Recursive build systems
      • 25.6 The “diamond dependency problem”
      • 25.7 Clash of ideologies
      • 25.8 Deciding against a monorepo
    • 26 Expanding Contracting Monorepos
      • 26.1
      • 26.2 Contrived example of use
      • 26.3 Contrived example of use #2
      • 26.4 Git’s Sparse checkouts
      • 26.5 Perforce’s client-specs
      • 26.6 PlasticSCM’s cloaked.conf
      • 26.7 Subversion’s sparse-checkouts
    • 27 Game Changers
      • 27.1 Revision Control System - RCS (1982)
      • 27.2 Concurrent Versions System - CVS (1990)
      • 27.3 Microsoft Secrets book (1995)
      • 27.4 NetScape’s Tinderbox (1997)
      • 27.5 Perforce and ClearCase (1998)
      • 27.6 Extreme Programming’s Continuous Integration (1999)
      • 27.7 Continuous Integration paper on (2000)
      • 27.8 ThoughtWorks’ Cruise Control (2001)
      • 27.9 Apache’s Gump
      • 27.10 Subversion’s “lightweight” branching (2000 through 2001)
      • 27.11 Git’s “lightweight” branching (2005)
      • 27.12 Google’s internal DevOps (2006 onwards)
      • 27.13 Branch by Abstraction technique (2007)
      • 27.14 GitHub’s entire initial platform (2008)
      • 27.15 Continuous Delivery Book (2010)
      • 27.16 Travis-CI’s GitHub integration and pass/fail badges (2011)
      • 27.17 Microservices (2011 and 2012)
      • 27.18 Case Study: A Practical Approach To Large-Scale Agile Development (2012)
      • 27.19 TravisCI’s per-commit speculative mergeability analysis (2012)
      • 27.20 PlasticSCM’s semantic merge (2013)
      • 27.21 Google revealing their Monorepo Trunk (2016)
      • 27.22 Microsoft’s Virtual File System for Git (2017)
    • 28 Publications
      • 28.1 Books promoting Trunk-Based Development
      • 28.2 Reports promoting Trunk-Based Development
    • 29 Challenge: Identifying bottlenecks
      • 29.1 Value Stream Mapping
      • 29.2 Current Reality Trees
    • 30 Addressing common bottlenecks
      • 30.1 Warning: Culture eats strategy for breakfast
      • 30.2 Development “cycle time” consideration
      • 30.3 Insufficient business analysis.
      • 30.4 Testing generally
      • 30.5 Builds not speedy enough
      • 30.6 Omnipresent compilers
      • 30.7 A fast build example in diagrams
    • 31 Trunk Correlated Practices: Charting where you are against others
      • 31.1 Key to understanding the chart
      • 31.2 Goal: Dialing up release cadence
      • 31.3 Branching model and Source Organization
      • 31.4 Release preparation & Continuous Integration
      • 31.5 Code sharing and third party dependencies
      • 31.6 Flags, toggles, changes that take a while, and code review
      • 31.7 All classes of environment
      • 31.8 Quality Assurance / Testing
      • 31.9 Shift left
      • 31.10 Unit tests followed by integration tests
      • 31.11 Test Impact Analysis
      • 31.12 Service Virtualization
      • 31.13 A bit of ‘shift right’
      • 31.14 Database changes and rollbacks
      • 31.15 Developer Duties/Attitude/Retention
      • 31.16 Talent Retention
      • 31.17 Others
    • 32 Contributions
    • 33 Glossary
    • 34 Abbreviations Used in this Publication
    • 35 Appendix 1: Different ways of explaining Branch By Abstraction
      • 35.1 Explained using UML sequence diagrams
      • 35.2 Explained using construction metaphor
      • 35.3 Explained using a series of changes to a Java app
    • 36 Appendix 2: Visualizing CI & CD
      • 36.1 Traditional CI without CD
      • 36.2 Continuous Delivery into a QA or UAT environment
      • 36.3 Continuous Deployment into Prod
      • 36.4 Branch for Release

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