Transforming Teams - as a mind-map
Transforming Teams - as a mind-map
A brain-friendly guide with pointers as a mind-map! Wisdom based on a $1M project executed remotely during the pandemic!
About the Book
To begin, this book is far from the typical literature you'd find on team transformation. Instead, it takes the form of a single, larger-than-A1-sized mind-map, boasting ultra-high resolution. This mind-map is designed to serve as a wall poster and a convenient quick reference. It was crafted based on techniques employed in a real-world project, offering pointers that encourage critical thinking and practical application. Notably, it emphasizes the importance of psychological safety among team members, as it is a catalyst for extraordinary achievements. Share this mind-map with your teams and witness their transformation to the next level. You can refer to the table of contents for key points covered in the mind-map.
Allow me to provide a brief introduction to the story that inspired the creation of this mind-map:
"Once upon a time, within a software firm, a group of highly talented and diligent individuals were meticulously selected for a groundbreaking project. They embarked on their journey with boundless enthusiasm. However, an unexpected twist arrived in the form of a pandemic, forcing the team to transition to remote work. While the team possessed ample skills, they were in need of a leader. This is the story of how one of them rose to the occasion, assuming a leadership role, and how the entire team united to tackle the challenges they faced. However, this tale deserves a more extensive recounting on another occasion!"
Table of Contents
- Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses
- Fixed mindset vs. Growth mindset
- Influence and Impact
- Time for a change
- Focus
- Being a boss vs. leader
- Qualities of a leader
- Qualities of a facilitator
- Transformation journey
- Building 'cohesive' and 'successful' teams
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