Top Coder
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Top Coder

About the Book

This book is not just questions and answers. It opens with a discussion of strategies to tackle each question and its similar questions, diving into exactly how to break down and solve it

About the Author

Monster Chan
Monster Chan

I work in SainStore Inc. I am familiar with aws. I am also a iOS developer. I hope i can share my experiences and enhance our capabilities.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Array
    • 1.1 Two Sum
    • 1.2 3Sum
    • 1.3 3Sum Closest
    • 1.4 4Sum
    • 1.5 Remove Element
    • 1.6 Next Permutation
    • 1.7 Permutation Sequence
    • 1.8 Valid Sudoku
    • 1.9 Trapping Rain Water
    • 1.10 Rotate Image
    • 1.11 Plus One
    • 1.12 Word Search
    • 1.13 Word Ladder II
    • 1.14 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
    • 1.15 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
    • 1.16 Search in Rotated Sorted Array
    • 1.17 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II
    • 1.18 Median of Two Sorted Arrays
    • 1.19 Longest Consecutive Sequence
    • 1.20 Set Matrix Zeroes
    • 1.21 Merge Sorted Array
    • 1.22 Merge Intervals
    • 1.23 Rotate Array
    • 1.24 Unique Paths
    • 1.25 Unique Paths II
    • 1.26 Triangle
    • 1.27 Subsets
    • 1.28 Subsets II
    • 1.29 Spiral Matrix
    • 1.30 Spiral Matrix II
    • 1.31 Sort Colors
    • 1.32 Pascal’s Triangle
    • 1.33 Pascal’s Triangle II
    • 1.34 Search Insert Position
    • 1.35 Search for a Range
    • 1.36 Search a 2D Matrix
    • 1.37 Minimum Path Sum
    • 1.38 Maximum Subarray
    • 1.39 Maximum Product Subarray
    • 1.40 Maximal Rectangle
    • 1.41 Majority Element
    • 1.42 Largest Rectangle in Histogram
    • 1.43 Jump Game
    • 1.44 Jump Game II
    • 1.45 Insert Interval
    • 1.46 First Missing Positive
    • 1.47 Find Peak Element
    • 1.48 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
    • 1.49 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
    • 1.50 Container With Most Water
    • 1.51 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
    • 1.52 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
    • 1.53 Combination Sum
    • 1.54 Combination Sum II
    • 1.55 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
    • 1.56 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
    • 1.57 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
  • 2. Hash Table
    • 2.1 Valid Sudoku
    • 2.2 Two Sum
    • 2.3 Sudoku Solver
    • 2.4 Substring with Concatenation of All Words
    • 2.5 Single Number
    • 2.6 Repeated DNA Sequences
    • 2.7 Max Points on a Line
    • 2.8 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
    • 2.9 Fraction to Recurring Decimal
    • 2.10 Copy List with Random Pointer
    • 2.11 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
    • 2.12 Anagrams
    • 2.13 Minimum Window Substring
  • 3. Linked List
    • 3.1 Swap Nodes in Pairs
    • 3.2 Sort List
    • 3.3 Rotate List
    • 3.4 Reverse Nodes in k-Group
    • 3.5 Reverse Linked List II
    • 3.6 Reorder List
    • 3.7 Remove Nth Node From End of List
    • 3.8 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
    • 3.9 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
    • 3.10 Partition List
    • 3.11 Merge Two Sorted Lists
    • 3.12 Merge k Sorted Lists
    • 3.13 Linked List Cycle
    • 3.14 Linked List Cycle II
    • 3.15 Intersection of Two Linked Lists
    • 3.16 Insertion Sort List
    • 3.17 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
    • 3.18 Add Two Numbers
  • 4. Math
    • 4.1 Valid Number
    • 4.2 String to Integer (atoi)
    • 4.3 Sqrt(x)
    • 4.4 Roman to Integer
    • 4.5 Reverse Integer
    • 4.6 Pow(x, n)
    • 4.7 Plus One
    • 4.8 Permutation Sequence
    • 4.9 Palindrome Number
    • 4.10 Multiply Strings
    • 4.11 Max Points on a Line
    • 4.12 Integer to Roman
    • 4.13 Fraction to Recurring Decimal
    • 4.14 Factorial Trailing Zeroes
    • 4.15 Excel Sheet Column Title
    • 4.16 Excel Sheet Column Number
    • 4.17 Divide Two Integers
    • 4.18 Add Two Numbers
    • 4.19 Add Binary
  • 5. Two Pointers
    • 5.1 Valid Palindrome
    • 5.2 Trapping Rain Water
    • 5.3 Substring with Concatenation of All Words
    • 5.4 Sort Colors
    • 5.5 Rotate List
    • 5.6 Remove Nth Node From End of List
    • 5.7 Remove Element
    • 5.8 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
    • 5.9 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
    • 5.10 Partition List
    • 5.11 Minimum Window Substring
    • 5.12 Merge Sorted Array
    • 5.13 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
    • 5.14 Linked List Cycle
    • 5.15 Linked List Cycle II
    • 5.16 Implement strStr()
    • 5.17 Container With Most Water
    • 5.18 4Sum
    • 5.19 3Sum
    • 5.20 3Sum Closest
  • 6. String
    • 6.1 ZigZag Conversion
    • 6.2 Word Ladder II
    • 6.3 Wildcard Matching
    • 6.4 Valid Parentheses
    • 6.5 Valid Palindrome
    • 6.6 Valid Number
    • 6.7 Text Justification
    • 6.8 Substring with Concatenation of All Words
    • 6.9 String to Integer (atoi)
    • 6.10 Simplify Path
    • 6.11 Scramble String
    • 6.12 Roman to Integer
    • 6.13 Reverse Words in a String
    • 6.14 Restore IP Addresses
    • 6.15 Regular Expression Matching
    • 6.16 Multiply Strings
    • 6.17 Minimum Window Substring
    • 6.18 Longest Valid Parentheses
    • 6.19 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
    • 6.20 Longest Palindromic Substring
    • 6.21 Longest Common Prefix
    • 6.22 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
    • 6.23 Length of Last Word
    • 6.24 Interleaving String
    • 6.25 Integer to Roman
    • 6.26 Implement strStr()
    • 6.27 Generate Parentheses
    • 6.28 Edit Distance
    • 6.29 Distinct Subsequences
    • 6.30 Decode Ways
    • 6.31 Count and Say
    • 6.32 Compare Version Numbers
    • 6.33 Anagrams
    • 6.34 Add Binary
  • 7. Binary Search
    • 7.1 Sqrt(x)
    • 7.2 Search Insert Position
    • 7.3 Search in Rotated Sorted Array
    • 7.4 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II
    • 7.5 Search for a Range
    • 7.6 Search a 2D Matrix
    • 7.7 Pow(x, n)
    • 7.8 Median of Two Sorted Arrays
    • 7.9 Find Peak Element
    • 7.10 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
    • 7.11 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
    • 7.12 Dungeon Game
    • 7.13 Divide Two Integers
  • 8. Divide and Conquer
    • 8.1 Merge k Sorted Lists
    • 8.2 Median of Two Sorted Arrays
    • 8.3 Maximum Subarray
    • 8.4 Majority Element
  • 9. Dynamic Programming
    • 9.1 Word Break
    • 9.2 Word Break II
    • 9.3 Wildcard Matching
    • 9.4 Unique Paths
    • 9.5 Unique Paths II
    • 9.6 Unique Binary Search Trees
    • 9.7 Unique Binary Search Trees II
    • 9.8 Triangle
    • 9.9 Scramble String
    • 9.10 Regular Expression Matching
    • 9.11 Palindrome Partitioning II
    • 9.12 Minimum Path Sum
    • 9.13 Maximum Subarray
    • 9.14 Maximum Product Subarray
    • 9.15 Maximal Rectangle
    • 9.16 Longest Valid Parentheses
    • 9.17 Interleaving String
    • 9.18 House Robber
    • 9.19 Edit Distance
    • 9.20 Dungeon Game
    • 9.21 Distinct Subsequences
    • 9.22 Decode Ways
    • 9.23 Climbing Stairs
    • 9.24 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
    • 9.25 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
    • 9.26 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
  • 10. Backtracking
    • 10.1 Word Search
    • 10.2 Word Ladder II
    • 10.3 Word Break II
    • 10.4 Wildcard Matching
    • 10.5 Sudoku Solver
    • 10.6 Subsets
    • 10.7 Subsets II
    • 10.8 Restore IP Addresses
    • 10.9 Regular Expression Matching
    • 10.10 Permutations
    • 10.11 Permutations II
    • 10.12 Permutation Sequence
    • 10.13 Palindrome Partitioning
    • 10.14 N-Queens
    • 10.15 N-Queens II
    • 10.16 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
    • 10.17 Gray Code
    • 10.18 Generate Parentheses
    • 10.19 Combinations
    • 10.20 Combination Sum
    • 10.21 Combination Sum II
  • 11. Stack
    • 11.1 Valid Parentheses
    • 11.2 Trapping Rain Water
    • 11.3 Simplify Path
    • 11.4 Min Stack
    • 11.5 Maximal Rectangle
    • 11.6 Largest Rectangle in Histogram
    • 11.7 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
    • 11.8 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
    • 11.9 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
    • 11.10 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
    • 11.11 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
    • 11.12 Binary Search Tree Iterator
  • 12. Heap
    • 12.1 Merge k Sorted Lists
  • 13. Greedy
    • 13.1 Wildcard Matching
    • 13.2 Jump Game
    • 13.3 Jump Game II
    • 13.4 Gas Station
    • 13.5 Candy
    • 13.6 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
  • 14. Sort
    • 14.1 Sort List
    • 14.2 Sort Colors
    • 14.3 Merge Intervals
    • 14.4 Maximum Gap
    • 14.5 Largest Number
    • 14.6 Insertion Sort List
    • 14.7 Insert Interval
  • 15. Bit Manipulation
    • 15.1 Subsets
    • 15.2 Single Number
    • 15.3 Single Number II
    • 15.4 Reverse Bits
    • 15.5 Repeated DNA Sequences
    • 15.6 Number of 1 Bits
    • 15.7 Majority Element
    • 15.8 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
  • 16. Tree
    • 16.1 Validate Binary Search Tree
    • 16.2 Unique Binary Search Trees
    • 16.3 Unique Binary Search Trees II
    • 16.4 Symmetric Tree
    • 16.5 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
    • 16.6 Same Tree
    • 16.7 Recover Binary Search Tree
    • 16.8 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
    • 16.9 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
    • 16.10 Path Sum
    • 16.11 Path Sum II
    • 16.12 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
    • 16.13 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
    • 16.14 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
    • 16.15 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
    • 16.16 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
    • 16.17 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
    • 16.18 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
    • 16.19 Binary Tree Right Side View
    • 16.20 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
    • 16.21 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
    • 16.22 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
    • 16.23 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
    • 16.24 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
    • 16.25 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
    • 16.26 Binary Search Tree Iterator
    • 16.27 Balanced Binary Tree
  • 17. Depth-first Search
    • 17.1 Validate Binary Search Tree
    • 17.2 Symmetric Tree
    • 17.3 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
    • 17.4 Same Tree
    • 17.5 Recover Binary Search Tree
    • 17.6 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
    • 17.7 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
    • 17.8 Path Sum
    • 17.9 Path Sum II
    • 17.10 Number of Islands
    • 17.11 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
    • 17.12 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
    • 17.13 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
    • 17.14 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
    • 17.15 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
    • 17.16 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
    • 17.17 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
    • 17.18 Clone Graph
    • 17.19 Binary Tree Right Side View
    • 17.20 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
    • 17.21 Balanced Binary Tree
  • 18. Breadth-first Search
    • 18.1 Word Ladder
    • 18.2 Word Ladder II
    • 18.3 Surrounded Regions
    • 18.4 Number of Islands
    • 18.5 Clone Graph
    • 18.6 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
    • 18.7 Binary Tree Right Side View
    • 18.8 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
    • 18.9 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
  • 19. Graph
    • 19.1 Clone Graph
  • 20. Data Structure
    • 20.1 Min Stack
    • 20.2 LRU Cache

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