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About the Book
Why would anybody need a short book on TOGAF 10th Edition if TOGAF itself consists of 6 Fundamental volumes plus 23+ series guides, written by renowned experts from 300 top IT companies who sure know their stuff and will provide you with anything you need as an enterprise architect?
The answer is: YES – TOGAF 10th Edition provides very helpful, very sound, and extensive lists of WHAT to do in IT Enterprise Architecture (ITEAM). The advice from various people working in IT Enterprise Architecture is: Use TOGAF! There’s no reason not to use it.
But you can add a little QuickStart and accelerator to TOGAF that gives an Expert a fast-to-read ballpark view of which items of an IT Enterprise Architect’s task list are covered by TOGAF and which are not. As you will also see, there are areas of an IT Enterprise Architect’s task list that are not covered by TOGAF at the moment. This makes it a rewarding task to give people interested in TOGAF an idea of what they can expect and what they have to find elsewhere.
With the advent of TOGAF 10th Edition, it was simply time to uppdate the QuickStart Guide, which referred to the 9.X versions.
About the Editors
Wolfgang Keller arbeitet als freiberuflicher Interim-Manager, Projektleiter und Enterprise-Architekt meist für große Finanzdienstleister. Dadurch hat er immer wieder mit digitalen Transformationen und deren Begleitung in Form von Enterprise Architecture Management zu tun.
Er ist der Autor diverser Fachbücher (siehe Amazon-Autorenseite ) und Facharchtikel. Berufliche Profile: und
Rolf Knoll ist Berater und Trainer für EAM, TOGAF® und ArchiMate® ( Sein Fokus ist die Etablierung von EAM als Managementdisziplin in Unternehmen unterschiedlichster Branchen und Größen. In der Open Group arbeitet er aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung der Standards TOGAF® und ArchiMate® mit.
Er ist Sprecher auf Fachkonferenzen und Co-Autor verschiedener Fachpublikationen.
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