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About the Book
The Secrets of Fisherman Roy
In a small village by a calm river, life unfolded
more slowly than in the big cities. The children
spent their days exploring nature, and fishing was
one of their favorite activities. Among them stood
out a boy named Roy. His passion for fishing
didn’t stem only from the desire to catch fish, but
from his love for nature and all that it offers.
Roy was known for his knowledge and skills, and
he often shared little secrets and tricks with his
friends, Lana and Marko. Together, they spent
their days by the river, learning from each other
and exploring the joys of fishing. Through
laughter, challenges, and excitement, they
became a real team, and each new adventure
brought new lessons.
This story follows their journey, revealing not
only the secrets of fishing but also the
importance of friendship, responsibility towards
nature, and the joy that comes with every catch.
Join Roy, Lana, and Marko as they explore the
world of fishing, uncovering little secrets that
make every outing unforgettable.
About the Author