The ProLUG Big Book of Labs
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The ProLUG Big Book of Labs

About the Book

This book is designed to help the hobbyist Linux enjoyer move over to doing things professionally. The labs found in here are deployed to a website Killercoda and have been used by 10,000+ engineers to better their skills in the Linux engineering space.

About the Author

Scott Champine
Scott Champine

Senior Linux and Network Engineer (20+ years). College Professor (15+ years). Amateur data scientist and system monitoring enthusiast. Industry certifications: CISSP, CCSP, AWS x 5, CKA, CKAD, Terraform associate, Vault associate, and others.

Table of Contents

    • Philosophy of Learning Enterprise Linux
    • Using this Book
    • Linux Lab Guides:
    • Linux Lab 1: System Checking
    • Linux Lab 2: Checking Kernel and Packages
    • Linux Lab 3: Checking Disk and Mount Information
    • Linux Lab 4: Checking networking and ports
    • Linux Lab 5: SSH and SCP
    • Linux Lab 6: Screen Commands
    • Linux Lab 7: Working with DNS
    • Linux Lab 8: Variables and Conditional Logic
    • Linux Lab 9: Conditional and Counting Loops
    • Linux Lab 100: Configure NFS Shares
    • Linux Lab 101: Configure Apache Server
    • Linux Lab 102: Monitoring Linux Logs with Loki
    • Linux Lab 103: Monitoring - Linux Telemetry
    • Linux Lab 104: Monitoring - Linux Influx Grafana
    • Linux Lab 105: Installing Antivirus
    • Linux Lab 106: Installing Slurm
    • Linux Lab 201: Attempted User Login
    • Linux Lab 202: Attempted Sudo Access
    • Linux Lab 203: Update a Golden image
    • Linux Lab 204: Building a chroot jail
    • Linux Lab 205: Setting up UFW
    • Moving into Automation
      • Ansible Labs
    • Ansible Lab 1: Install Ansible
    • Ansible Lab 2: Host file and inventories
    • Ansible Lab 3: Ad Hoc Commands
    • Ansible Lab 4: Ad Hoc Commands continued
    • Ansible Lab 5: Playbook staging files on systems
    • Ansible Lab 6: Playbook deploying to systems
    • Ansible Lab 7: Jinja Templates
    • Ansible Lab 8: Jinja Reports
    • Ansible Lab 9: Api and Debugging Variables
    • Ansible Lab 10: Vaulting secrets in Ansible
    • Ansible Lab 11: MOTD Push
    • Ansible Lab 12: System Facts and Grouping by Facts
    • Ansible Lab 13: Create Users
    • Ansible Lab 14: Package Management
    • Ansible Lab 15: Galaxy and Roles
    • Ansible Lab 16: Web Server Deploy
    • Ansible Lab 17: Package Cleanup and Security
    • Ansible Lab 18: NFS Deploy
    • Ansible Lab 19: Generate CSV Report
    • Ansible Lab 20: Firewall Configure

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