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Happy Birthday Theresa!

This week my wife, Theresa, celebrated her 41st birthday. I shared some old photos of her in honor of her birthday.
Independence Day
July 4, 2014
Elijah was able to see his very first fireworks display this year from our friend’s front yard. Friday evening we visited with our friends Melinda and Nathan, then as it became darker we watched the fireworks which were put on by the Soaring Eagle Casino. Before the fireworks began, Elijah checked out the Little Tykes car that was in their backyard, and played on their slide. He also bounced on a trampoline with Melinda’s youngest daughter. Elijah didn’t cry at all during the fireworks display, or when the other people who were there set off firecrackers. Kayla and Josh each got a chance to play with sparklers.

Elijah’s New Slide

Eating at Culver’s
On Saturday, the kids, my friend Louie Holliday, and I picked up a used slide for Elijah that’s shaped like an Elephant. We needed Louie’s help because the slide was too big to fit inside our cars, and he drives a van. After buying the slide, we ate a late lunch at Culver’s. Elijah had already eaten lunch, but he did try a couple of French Fries, and Kayla fed him some of her applesauce. Then, we went to Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart. We connected with Theresa as she was getting off of her shift, and then headed home. Elijah continues to show a lot of curiosity and independence. He loved exploring the shelves at Wal-Mart, under our close supervision. I think what he liked the most was having a lot of open space to just wander around in. Louie dropped off the slide while Elijah was napping. After dinner, we took him out to the backyard to show it to him. Elijah liked standing up on top of the slide, and riding down it, but he seemed to like climbing back up the slide the most. It took him a while and a lot of tries, but he finally was able to climb up the slide to the top. At first we discouraged him from doing this, but he was so focussed it was hard to tell him no.

September Update

The school year is in full swing, and both Josh and Kayla seem to have adjusted well to their new schools. I, on the other hand, am still getting used to thinking of them as a middle schooler and a high schooler.

As usual, September is keeping us busy with birthdays. Theresa turned a year older today (Wednesday, September 17), friends and family are joining us on Sunday to help us celebrate Kayla’s 14th birthday, and of course I have a birthday next week (September 24). Next week, Kayla will be attending her first homecoming dance.
With all of these changes, it already feels like our lives are in a perpetual state of flux. But, we are also waiting for final news on the house we put a bid on a few weeks ago. If everything works out, sometime in October we should be able to add “move into new house” to our list of todos.
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