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You can use this page to email Nigel Poulton и Alexey Pyltsyn about Kubernetes на практике.
О книге
Это книга о Kubernetes, от вас не требуется никаких предварительных знаний!
В ней содержится много теории, которая также подкрепляется множеством примеров и демонстраций. Начните изучать Kubernetes прямо сейчас!
Об авторах
Nigel is a self confessed technology addict who is hell-bent on creating the best Kubernetes and cloud learning resources on the planet. He's the author of over 16 video training courses at Pluralsight, as well as more at A Cloud Guru, Udemy and more... He's active on Twitter, creates weekly and monthly Kubernetes videos on YouTube, and his website is the best place for links to learn about Kubernetes. When he's not rocking it with Kubernetes, he likes cars and football.
Web developer (mostly PHP and JavaScript). Maintainer of official Russian documentation on PHP. Translate articles on web development into Russian for devSchacht.