The Kubernetes Book
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The Kubernetes Book

About the Book

This is a book about Kubernetes - no prior knowledge required!

It's designed to teach you the theory and the practical as fast as possible so that you can hit the ground running with your first Kubernetes deployment.


About the Author

Nigel Poulton
Nigel Poulton

About the authors

I’d like to thank Pushkar for his writing the security chapters. He approached me at

a KubeCon and asked if he could contribute some content on real-world security. Collaborating on content isn’t something I’ve done before, and I tried to tell him “no thanks”. However, he was keen, so we made it happen. To be clear, the technical content for the security chapters is all Pushkar’s. I just tweaked the writing style so the book has a consistent feel.

Author: Nigel Poulton (@nigelpouton)

Nigel is a techoholic who spends his life creating books, training videos, and other stuff that makes learning Kubernetes less scary. He’s the author of best-selling books on Docker and Kubernetes, as well as the most popular online training videos on the same topics. He’s also a Docker Captain. Prior to all of this, Nigel held various senior infrastructure roles at large enterprises (mainly banks).

When he’s not playing with technology, he’s dreaming about it. When he’s not dreaming about it, he’s reading and watching scifi. He wishes he lived in the future so he could explore space-time, universes, and tons of other mind-blowing stuff. He likes cars, Formula One, golf, football (soccer), and food. He has a fabulous wife and three epic children.

Contributing author: Pushkar Joglekar

Pushkar is currently working as a Security Engineer @ VMware Tanzu to help make Kubernetes secure-by-default, for all. In the last few years, he’s built multiple “secure by design” production container deployments for a Fortune 500 company and is an active contributor in the CNCF security community.

When not securing containers, he spends his time exploring neighborhood bike trails and capturing beautiful sunsets through his camera while sipping home-made masala ginger chai. He lives with his wonderful wife, who happens to be the real engineer among them.

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Table of Contents

  • 0: Preface
    • Editions Paperbacks, hardbacks, eBooks, audio, and translations
    • The sample app and GitHub repo
    • Windows users
    • Responsible language
  • 1: Kubernetes primer
    • Important Kubernetes background
    • Kubernetes: the operating system of the cloud
    • Chapter summary
  • 2: Kubernetes principles of operation
    • Kubernetes from 40K feet
    • Control plane and worker nodes
    • Packaging apps for Kubernetes
    • The declarative model and desired state
    • Pods
    • Deployments
    • Service objects and stable networking
    • Chapter summary
  • 3: Getting Kubernetes
    • Create a Kubernetes cluster on your laptop
    • Create a hosted Kubernetes cluster in the cloud
    • Working with kubectl
    • Chapter summary
  • 4: Working with Pods
    • Pod theory
    • Multi-container Pods
    • Hands-on with Pods
    • Clean up
    • Chapter Summary
  • 5: Virtual clusters with Namespaces
    • Intro to Namespaces
    • Namespace use cases
    • Default Namespaces
    • Creating and managing Namespaces
    • Deploying objects to Namespaces
    • Clean up
    • Chapter Summary
  • 6: Kubernetes Deployments
    • Deployment theory
    • Create a Deployment
    • Manually scale the app
    • Perform a rolling update
    • Perform a rollback
    • Clean up
    • Chapter summary
  • 7: Kubernetes Services
    • Service Theory
    • Hands-on with Services
    • Clean up
    • Chapter Summary
  • 8: Ingress
    • Setting the Scene for Ingress
    • Ingress architecture
    • Hands-on with Ingress
    • Clean up
    • Chapter summary
  • 9: WebAssembly on Kubernetes
    • Wasm Primer
    • Understanding Wasm on Kubernetes
    • Hands-on with Wasm on Kubernetes
    • Chapter Summary
  • 10: Service discovery deep dive
    • Setting the scene
    • The service registry
    • Service registration
    • Service discovery
    • Service discovery and Namespaces
    • Troubleshooting service discovery
    • Clean up
    • Chapter summary
  • 11: Kubernetes storage
    • The big picture
    • Storage Providers
    • The Container Storage Interface (CSI)
    • The Kubernetes persistent volume subsystem
    • Dynamic provisioning with Storage Classes
    • Hands-on
    • Clean up
    • Chapter Summary
  • 12: ConfigMaps and Secrets
    • The big picture
    • ConfigMap theory
    • Hands-on with ConfigMaps
    • Hands-on with Secrets
    • Clean up
    • Chapter Summary
  • 13: StatefulSets
    • StatefulSet theory
    • Hands-on with StatefulSets
    • Clean up
    • Chapter Summary
  • 14: API security and RBAC
    • API security big picture
    • Authentication
    • Authorization (RBAC)
    • Admission control
    • Chapter summary
  • 15: The Kubernetes API
    • Kubernetes API big picture
    • The API server
    • The API
    • Clean up
    • Chapter summary
  • 16: Threat modeling Kubernetes
    • Threat modeling
    • Spoofing
    • Tampering
    • Repudiation
    • Information Disclosure
    • Denial of Service
    • Elevation of privilege
    • Chapter summary
  • 17: Real-world Kubernetes security
    • Security in the software delivery pipeline
    • Workload isolation
    • Identity and access management (IAM)
    • Security monitoring and auditing
    • Real-world example
    • Chapter summary
  • Terminology
  • Outro
    • About the front cover
    • A word on the book’s diagrams
    • Connect with me
    • Feedback and reviews
  • Index
  • Notes

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