The Docs as Code Primer
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The Docs as Code Primer

A practical handbook

About the Book

The Docs as Code Primer: A practical handbook is a "must read" to get you started by implementing Docs as Code for developers, DevOps Engineers and solution architect. The book is packed with a ton of practical examples and tools you can use to accelerate your writing in the technical documentation domain. The reader should have a basic understanding:

  • Plaintext markup languages
  • CI/CD practices
  • Version control
  • Scripting Languages (e.g., PowerShell, Bash)

The book is divided into seven chapters:

  1. Introduction to Docs as Code
  2. Getting started
  3. Documentation architecture
  4. Building documentation
  5. Testing
  6. Integrating in CI/CD Pipelines
  7. Automation

After reading this book, you will have learned the following:

  • What tools and technologies are available to write effective technical documentation
  • How to enforce standards and consistency across documentation
  • How to catch invalid documents
  • How to perform proper testing with CLI utilities
  • How to build documentation and expose it to the public or internal
  • How to implement proper CI/CD for documentation
  • How to automate for other platforms and use tools to generate other output formats while keeping a single point of truth
  • Which AI tool can help you to accelerate your technical writing directly from the editor

About the Author

Gijs Reijn
Gijs Reijn

Gijs Reijn is a DevOps engineer with nearly a decade of IT experience. He’s currently working in the financial sector. He enjoys sharing his knowledge on his website The Lonely Engineer, as well as on Medium and the Rabo Tech Blog, where he is currently employed. You can find his books here on LeanPub.

For those looking to reach him, feel free to connect with him on LinkedIn or stay updated by following him on Twitter.

Table of Contents

    • Foreword
    • Introduction
      • Who should read this book?
      • What to expect from this book?
      • How has the content of this book been structured?
    • About the Author
    • Chapter 1 - Introduction to Docs as Code
      • Introduction
      • What is Docs as Code?
      • Why Docs as Code?
      • History of Docs as Code
      • Summary
    • Chapter 2 - Getting started
      • Introduction
      • Visual Studio Code as Markdown editor
      • Manually installing VSCode
      • Automatically installing VSCode
      • Using VSCode extensions
      • Markdownlint
      • Code Spell Checker
      • Markdown tables and images
      • Summary
    • Chapter 3 - Documentation architecture
      • Introduction
      • Have Version Control System ready
      • Documentation source file types
      • Documentation generators
      • Continuous Integration
      • Automated testing
      • Collaboration tools
      • Style guide and documentation standards
      • Metadata Management
      • Summary
    • Chapter 4 - Building documentation
      • Introduction
      • Using MkDocs
      • Building the project
      • Considerations
      • Summary
    • Chapter 5 - Testing
      • Introduction
      • The Markdownlint CLI
      • Run Code Spell Checker from CLI
      • Format Markdown table testing
      • Testing external links
      • One script to rule them all
      • Bonus round - Pre-commit hook
      • Summary
    • Chapter 6 - Integrating in CICD Pipelines
      • Introduction
      • The build stage
      • Testing through pipeline
      • Publishing
      • Summary
    • Chapter 7 - Automation
      • Introduction
      • Use case 1 - Pandoc
      • Use case 2 - Confluence
      • Use case 3 - DocFx
      • Use case 4 - AI Grammar Checker and Paraphrasing
      • Summary
    • Appendix A: Azure DevOps
      • Working with identifiers
    • Appendix B: Azure resources
      • Creating Azure resources
    • Recommended Reading
    • Final note
    • Release notes

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