The Definitive Guide to Data Integration
The Definitive Guide to Data Integration
Unlock the power of data integration to efficiently manage, transform, and analyze data
About the Book
The Definitive Guide to Data Integration is an indispensable resource for navigating the complexities of modern data integration. Focusing on the latest tools, techniques, and best practices, this guide helps you master data integration and unleash the full potential of your data.
This comprehensive guide begins by examining the challenges and key concepts of data integration, such as managing huge volumes of data and dealing with the different data types. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the modern data stack and its architecture, as well as the pivotal role of open-source technologies in shaping the data landscape. Delving into the layers of the modern data stack, you’ll cover data sources, types, storage, integration techniques, transformation, and processing. The book also offers insights into data exposition and APIs, ingestion and storage strategies, data preparation and analysis, workflow management, monitoring, data quality, and governance. Packed with practical use cases, real-world examples, and a glimpse into the future of data integration, The Definitive Guide to Data Integration is an essential resource for data eclectics.
By the end of this book, you’ll have the gained the knowledge and skills needed to optimize your data usage and excel in the ever-evolving world of data.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to our data integration journey
- Introducing Data Integration
- Architecture and History of Data Integration
- Data Sources and Types
- Columnar Data Formats and comparisons
- Data Storage Technologies and Architectures
- Data Ingestion and Storage Strategies
- Data Integration Techniques
- Data Transformation and Processing
- Transformation patterns, cleansing and normalization
- Data Exposition and APIs
- Data Preparation and Analysis
- Workflow Management, Monitoring, and Data Quality
- Lineage, Governance, and Compliance
- Various Architecture Use Cases
- Prospects and Challenges
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