The Dance of Shiva
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The Dance of Shiva

A Guide to Learning, Creativity and Balance

About the Book

Learning all basic movements of the dance of shiva is a difficult (and long) task.

The intent of this guide is to make learning those movements as easy and as straightforward as possible.

The movements with similiar characteristics are grouped together to make learning easier.

Because movements in the same group have a similiar feel, and move through the positions in similiar ways they can be easier to learn.

Also, instead of having to constantly remember different starting positions, movements in the same group all have the same starting positions (there are exceptions, but these are in a group by themselves.)

Starting from the most basic building blocks, the starting point is learning all positions, and then the movements, one arm at a time.

From there the movements where both arms are used are a combination (or recombination) of these basic movements.

The positions and movemens with one arm constitute an alphabet. However, there is no real grammar. All you are learning is all possible combinations of these movements using both arms.

(For sequences of movements, and an introduction to the idea of flow check out the forthcoming "Think, Learn, Flow".)

So that learning the positions and movements are easier, movement maps show the positions each movement connects.

In addition, for faster reference, movement tables are also included that show all possible variations of each movement.

This guide makes it easier for you to choose what movements to work on so that you can get on with doing them.

It's designed for anyone who wants to teach themselves the dance of shiva, teachers, and also for anyone who has been watching my dance of shiva videos on youtube.

About the Author

Neil Keleher
Neil Keleher

Neil Keleher began learning Dance of Shiva nearly fourteen years ago. At the time he was attracted to the idea of "spiral arm movements" and "special psychic powers".

So far there have been no magical powers. But he enjoyed the practice for its own sake, particularly the neat, logical patterns of movements.

As he began his own study of this system he realized that it tied in closely to his study of Chinese calligraphy and previous experiences learning to understand electronic and mechanical systems.

He believes that Dance of Shiva is a useful metaphor for learning any type of complex system.

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Table of Contents

  • The Dance of Shiva
  • Quick Tips
    • Flow While Learning
    • Use Discernment Prior to Practice
    • Lead With Your Mind
    • Immediate Feedback for Faster Learning
  • Making Learning, Communication and Recall Easier
    • Basic Positions
    • Horizontal Basics
    • Vertical Basics
    • What About the Fingers?
    • Maximum Space and Minimum Effort
  • Position Combinations
      • Position Types (Four Quadrants)
    • Mirror the Pictures
    • Combined Position Relationships
      • Zero Related Hand Positions
      • Forward Related Hand Positions
      • Transquarter Related Hand Positions
      • Backward Related Hand Positions
      • Change Related Arm Positions
      • ChangeForward Related Arm Positions
      • ChangeTransquarter Related Arm Positions
      • ChangeBackward Related Arm Positions
      • Memory Aids
  • Starting Positions
  • The Moves and the Zero Move
    • 64 Possible Movements
  • One Arm Basic Movement Maps
    • Forward and Backward Moves, Horizontal Positions.
    • Forward and Backward Moves, Vertical Positions
    • ChangeForward and ChangeBackward Moves, Odd Numbered Positions
    • ChangeForward and ChangeBackward Moves, Even Numbered Positions
    • Transquarter
    • Change
    • ChangeTransquarter
  • Combined Movements
    • Same Plane or Change Plane
    • Cyclic or Acyclic
    • Why Classify Movements?
    • Movement Combination Classifications
  • Dance of Shiva Posture Suggestions
    • Make Your Neck Feel Long
    • Standing Positions, One Leg
      • Stabilizing the Standing Leg
      • Reference Leg
    • Warm ups for the Arms
  • Say What You Are About To Do
  • Movement Tables and Maps For Combined Movements
  • F-F and B-B (Cyclics 1)
      • F-F Q1
    • F-F Q2
    • B-B Q1
    • B-B Q2
  • CF-CF and CB-CB
    • CF-CF Q1
    • CF-CF Q2
    • CB-CB Q1
    • CB-CB Q2
  • F-B and B-F (Cyclics 1)
    • F-B Q1
    • F-B Q2
    • B-F Q1
    • B-F Q2
  • CF-CB and CB-CF (Cyclics 1)
    • CF-CB Q1
    • CF-CB Q2
    • CB-CF Q1
    • CB-CF Q2
  • F-T and T-F (Cyclic/Acyclic 1)
    • F-T Q1
    • F-T Q2
  • B-T and T-B (Cyclic/Acyclic 1)
    • B-T Q1
    • B-T Q2
  • CF-C and C-CF (Cyclic/Acyclic 1)
    • CF-C Q1
    • CF-C Q2
  • CB-C and C-CB (Cyclic/Acyclic 1)
    • CB-C Q1
    • CB-C Q2
  • CF-CT and CT-CF (Cyclic/Acyclic 1)
    • CF-CT Q1
    • CF-CT Q2
  • CB-CT and CT-CB (Cyclic/Acyclic 1)
    • CB-CT Q1
    • CB-CT Q2
  • T-T (Acyclics 1)
    • TT Q1
    • TT Q2
  • C-C (Acyclics 1)
    • CC
  • CT-CT (Acyclics 1)
    • CTCT Q1
    • CTCT Q2
  • C-CT and CT-C(Acyclics 1)
  • F-CF and CF-F (Cyclics 2)
  • F-CB and CB-F (Cyclics 2)
  • B-CF and CF-B (Cyclics 2)
  • B-CB and CB-B (Cyclics 2)
  • F-C and C-F (Cyclic/Acyclic 2)
  • B-C and C-B (Cyclic/Acyclic 2)
  • F-CT and CT-F (Cyclic/Acyclic 2)
  • B-CT and CT-B (Cyclic/Acyclic 2)
  • CF-T and T-CF (Cyclic/Acyclic 2)
  • CB-T and T-CB (Cyclic/Acyclic 2)
  • T-C and C-T (Acyclics 2)
  • TCT and CT-T (Acyclics 2)

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