The Black Velvet Thieves
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The Black Velvet Thieves

About the Book

The thieves are three women all disowned by their families. A king finds himself thrust in a war on multiple fronts against a superior Queen that is fought for several decades and a common guard finds himself documenting their war to report back home.

The sample book is still a work in progress, but should give an idea of what the book entails. Just think of each section as its own story and not a chapter. More will be added in the coming days. It's the first book I've ever written and if you look below you'll see why its not very good.

This book has been released because its unfinished and I cannot continue. Depression got the best of me. I can't risk being found. I was nearly jumped by 20 people in high school and their harassment didn't end after school. Like I said, I know no one has my back and I don't feel safe. I can't charge for something that i haven't completed, either. This book for reference is about 40%-50% done.

I apologize, this probably will be the last book I write despite what I said below.I hope you enjoy what I wrote at least. I had a bunch more stuff here, but I don't want people finding me and its not everyones fault. I don't hate women or men just because I'm not comfortable talking to either, on the internet or in person. Any oddities in the story are because I was figuring it out as I went and was going to edit it at the end and make it all come together. Thats how I work. I don't plan out stories or anything, ever, because of stuff like this.

About the Author

J.S. Hetlani
J.S. Hetlani

This is my first published book. I will not go into too much detail, as the point of using a pen name is to protect myself from abuse. If I tell you too much, then people can figure out who I am.

I am a male whose devoted himself to voluntary celebacy and isolation, despite not being dogmatic. When everyone else had the world sorted out and knew what they wanted to do with their lives. They tried to force me into a relationship I didn't want. I never expected to publish a book! Growing up I never cared to read. English was probably my most hated and weakest class.

I have, unfortunately wavered from my path time to time. However I openly embrace the road in which I travel and I realize what it has in store for me. Many people in my family will go to their graves assuming I'm gay. Many people who bullied me becaues I didn't ask out a cheerleader who announced to the world she liked me, will die assuming I'm gay. I can assure you this isn't the case, though I feel no shame. Largely because I simply don't care anymore.

I don't want pity or sympathy. I only want to be me and society seems to have a problem with me. I don't know why. So I wrote this book and I plan on in the future writing other works. While I am not suicidal and this is not a manifesto of any sort.I do hope to live in a cave by myself until the angel of death finally collects their debt. I learned years ago that I'm in this battle alone. Many of the people who are supposed to defend people like me, are as frightening as the people they attack. The literary community every step of the way has seemingly slammed its doors shut on me.

I don't really care anymore. They may hate short stories and feel that a real book has to be 800,000 words long. They may believe that you shouldn't write from a place of pain.I can't say I care anymore. I don't expect any sales of this book or any future books because of these reasons. Because of that, I figure I may as well share my mind. People, have had no problem taking from me waht they want. Be it my dignity, my soul or my future.

I also am going to make it clear I am the only person who understands me, I am the only person who cares about me and I am the only person who has my back. Men and women alike have done things to me I'll never forgive or forget. I also do not want life advice. I will not hit the gym, I will not change who I am to please others. Like I said, I am well aware of the path in which i've embarked.

Table of Contents

  • The Black Velvet Thieves
  • Vasgorath-Mesebaro Modern History
  • chapter3

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