The Agile Mind-Set
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The Agile Mind-Set

Making Agile Processes Work

About the Book

“Too often we focus on implementation, process, and logistics without considering the broader context.” –Cameron Turner, Engineering Director, D2L

The Agile Mind-Set explains the piece of the Agile puzzle that most organizations are missing.” –Roger Brown, Agile Coach, Agile Crossing

“This book urgently needs to be read by leaders and managers who plan to hop onto the Agile bandwagon. It will help you see through the briar-patch of branded services and ossified processes, to the original intent of ‘Agile.’”Rob Myers, Principal Coach/Instructor, Agile Institute

“Gil Broza’s book has the tools, options, and practices to help people start, restart, think, rethink, grow, and improve their implementation of Agile by grasping the underpinning mind-set.” –Gunther Verheyen, Shepherding Professional Scrum at

“I return to The Agile Mind-Set repeatedly for inspiration and guidance, and always come away with a constructive way of approaching a challenging situation.” –Michael Goitein, Principal Project Manager, Mobiquity

“I want to give this book to every executive and manager who asks why the transition is taking so long. I also recommend it for all Agile practitioners as a valuable source of insight beyond the processes and techniques described in other books.” –Roger Brown

“Gil Broza is a kindred spirit to the pioneers of the Agile movement. He reminds us of the core values, principles, and behaviors of this enduring effort to bring joy and delight to producing software. To those new to the pursuit, he brings a lantern for the journey.” –Rich Sheridan, CEO, Menlo Innovations

Gil Broza, founder and principal mentor at 3P Vantage, has been supporting Agile leaders and their teams since 2004. Gil’s guidance helps professionals adopt effective, humane, and responsible approaches to software development. His previous book was The Human Side of Agile.

---> ** Gil will donate the royalties from your purchase to a kids' charity. **

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About the Author

Gil Broza
Gil Broza

In writing The Agile Mind-Set, Gil Broza has addressed an aching need shared by organizations worldwide. As his experience and observations confirm, many who adopt Agile pay too much attention to processes and tools, and are disenchanted with the results. Some are in denial while some are searching for a magic bullet. Still more are stranded on a mediocre performance plateau, stalled in a mishmash of "best practices," and looking for answers.

In the last 11 years alone, Gil has mentored and coached more than 2,000 professionals who then delighted their customers, shipped working software on time, and rediscovered passion for their work. He has also:

  • Worked as a development manager, team leader, and programmer for 12 years, successfully applying Agile methods since 2001
  • Coached dozens of private- and public-sector clients, large and small, including independent software vendors, custom development firms, and IS/IT departments
  • Served as a regular writer for the prestigious (a PMI publication), contributing articles on effective Agile behaviors
  • Given keynotes and interactive talks at various conferences worldwide

Throughout his career, Gil has focused on human characteristics that prevent positive outcomes in software development teams. These include limiting habits, fear of change, outdated beliefs, and blind spots. In helping teams overcome these factors, he supports them in reaching ever-higher levels of performance, confidence, and accomplishment. In 2012, he published The Human Side of Agile, the definitive guide to leading Agile teams. Later, he designed two innovative self-study courses, Individuals and Interactions and Packing List for Your Agile Journey.

Gil provides workshops, consulting, facilitation services, and enablement programs to fix lackluster Agile attempts and support ongoing Agile improvement efforts. In addition, he offers much-needed services to help ScrumMasters, team leaders, and managers grow as servant leaders. He is in high demand by organizations looking to fully realize Agile's potential.

Want a taste of what makes Gil different? Visit to receive Gil's popular (and free!) Something Happened on the Way to Agile mini-program. Consisting of 20 daily training segments, it will help you break the cycle of Agile mediocrity and move toward the promised benefits of Agile.

Table of Contents

  • What People Are Saying About The Agile Mind-Set
  • Foreword by Jim Highsmith
  • Foreword by Linda Rising
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The Big Picture
    • Elements of a Mind-Set
    • Agile Values
    • Agile Beliefs
    • Agile Principles
    • When Is Agile a Good Fit?
  • Chapter 2: Deciding What to Work On
    • Outcome and Purpose
    • Customer
    • Value
    • Delight
    • Field Testing
    • Experimentation
    • Feedback
    • Deferring Decisions
  • Chapter 3: Planning the Work
    • Effective
    • Time-Boxing
    • Managing Complexity
    • Backlog
    • Planning for Less
    • Commitments
    • Splitting Items
    • Estimating
    • Done!
  • Chapter 4: Engaging People
    • People Are Not Resources
    • Participation
    • Imperfect Humans
    • Frequent Accomplishments
    • Sustainable Pace
    • Slack and Utilization
  • Chapter 5: Performing as a Team
    • Rights
    • Shared Responsibility
    • Learning
    • Collaboration
    • Servant Leadership
    • Stability
  • Chapter 6: Doing the Work, Part I
    • Progressing
    • Finishing without Delay
    • Quality
    • Safety
    • Visibility
    • Cost of Change
  • Chapter 7: Doing the Work, Part II — When It’s Software Development
    • Design
    • Testing
    • Small Steps
    • Reliable Progress
    • Code Is for People
  • Chapter 8: Getting Better at Work
    • What to Improve
    • Making Improvements
    • The End-Goal
  • Chapter 9: Adopting the Mind-Set
    • It’s a Whole System
    • It’s a Transformation
    • Conditions for Change
    • Process Design
    • Practices
    • Getting Better
    • How Agile Are You?
    • Management
  • Appendix A: The Waterfall Mind-Set Compared to the Agile One
    • Values
    • Beliefs
    • Principles
  • Appendix B: Examples
    • How I Used Agile to Renovate a House
    • Unscripted Collaboration
    • Mindful Process Design
  • Acknowledgments
  • Notes
  • Meet Gil Broza
  • Notes

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