The Spirit Tracker
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The Spirit Tracker

A True Story of How Awakening Psychic-Intuitive Ability Led to Finding a Missing Girl

About the Book

Norm Pratt first gained public attention and credibility by leading police, through his ability to receive and apply spiritual guidance, to the remains of a missing girl.

This book presents some of the extraordinary experiences that led Norm to develop psychic-intuitive ability and communicate with the spirit realms. While the experiences could be funny, exhilarating and terrifying, they give a profound insight into how intuitive guidance works, what it feels like to see beyond ordinary reality.

The Spirit Tracker chronicles the relationship between psychic awakening and guidance from spiritual sources. "Susan Hult" was a young woman reported missing in March, 2004. She deliberately hiked up a steep and snow-covered BC mountainside, removed her clothes and sat under a tree to die. After passing into spirit, she guided Norm, along with a tenacious police detective, in recovering her body.

This is a unique and fascinating journey into understanding psychic phenomena and spiritual guidance. It will inspire and amaze long after you have finished reading.

Print Version

A print version of The Spirit Tracker is available at

Reader Reviews

“I just wanted to say I loved your book. It is just amazing. Thank you for writing this book.” – Jennifer Pearce, Salmo, British Columbia

“Wow. That is about the only word that sums up what I can say about your book. People are grateful for your sharing of your journey and this will give them strength, or motivation, or affirmation about their own spirit. I’m looking forward to your next book.” –Heather Wiese, Nelson, British Columbia

“Kudos to you for your first book! Fascinating! Spellbinding! Absolutely! I found I could hardly put the book down. Keep writing!” –Ruth E. Wallace, Ottawa, Ontario

“I just finished reading your book not 10 minutes ago, and I had to write to tell you that I thought it was fantastic. Last night, I picked it up with the intention of reading just the second chapter – one hundred pages and several untouched psychology readings later, I could barely put it down. Your way of crafting sentences is remarkable; everything seems so real and effortless.” – Charmaine Vallee, Vancouver, British Columbia

“Thank you, Norm, I am deeply moved by your book. I love all of this – every word, every scene – and the ability you demonstrated to stay true to your guidance over all else that presented as distraction, challenge, or doubt. As the reader becomes an active participant they begin to feel the next clue and a part of them comes alive with this hint at ‘knowingness’...A story of discovery that captures your mind – warms your heart – nourishes your soul! A must read for all ages!” – Suzanne Grandon, Cairo, Egypt

About the Author

Norm Pratt
Norm Pratt

Norm Pratt lives with his wife on rural property in the mountains of southern British Columbia. In addition to writing books, he offers talks and workshops, and assists police and families with missing person investigations.

Visit his website at for more information.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Awakening
  • Psychic Dramas
  • Spirits Speak
  • Visitations
  • Carrie-Lynn
  • Psychic Overload
  • The Janie Experience
  • Taking Love for a Walk in the World
  • The Bone Tracker
  • A Missing Girl
  • An Official Investigation
  • Deepening into Connection
  • The Sweetgrass and the Shotgun
  • All I Know is What I Feel…
  • A Siren’s Song
  • The Accident
  • Medicine Work
  • Discovery
  • Accusations
  • The Woodpecker Bone
  • Epilogue
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contact Information
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