The Gospel of Matthew in German and English
The Gospel of Matthew in German and English
A Parallel Reader for Students
About the Book
This bilingual German-English version of the Gospel of Matthew is based on the Martin Luther translation of the Bible. The German text contains about 3,500 words including plurals, possessives, and conjugations, but the sentences are generally constructed from shorter phrases, which helps to keep them comprehensible for the student. The English text in this book was translated from the German so that, unlike the King James English translation, it closely matches the structure and vocabulary used in the German text. The German and English texts are laid out in separate but aligned columns. This parallel format enables the student to practice reading German without becoming distracted by the English, while also making it easy to find the English translation for an unknown word in context. Additionally, every word or phrase in the German text is linked to its corresponding English translation - see the right side of the cover (or sample) for an example. This book is accessible to part-time German language students as early as the second semester of study (U.S. 8th grade), and useful as a language enrichment or independent study resource, particularly for motivated Bible students or missionaries with no prior experience with the German language.
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