Architecting Scalable Solutions: A Practical Approach to Software Design
Architecting Scalable Solutions: A Practical Approach to Software Design
Designing Scalable, Maintainable, and Future-Proof Software Solutions
About the Book
Architecting Scalable Solutions: A Practical Approach to Software Design is a must-have resource for developers and architects aiming to deepen their understanding of software architecture. This release includes the first five chapters of the book, which form the foundation for mastering the principles and best practices of scalable, maintainable, and future-proof software design.
This book captures over 30 years of hands-on experience in analyzing, designing, and implementing various software solutions. It blends theoretical and historical perspectives with modern software patterns, methodologies, and tools. From foundational concepts like UML and Design Patterns to cutting-edge approaches leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI-driven analysis, this book provides both the knowledge and practical techniques needed to navigate today's software landscape.
A key highlight of this release is the in-depth chapter on Microservice Architecture. Whether you're a developer building your first service or an experienced architect refining a distributed system, this chapter provides essential guidance on decomposition, cohesion, coupling, orchestration vs. choreography, and strategies for scaling services efficiently. Any developer working on service-based architectures should read this chapter.
Additionally, I am currently working on Chapter 6: Cross-cutting Concerns, which delves into crucial aspects such as logging, authentication, security, observability, and performance monitoring. I will be publishing parts of this chapter progressively as the writing evolves, allowing readers to engage with and benefit from the content as it develops.
This book is not just a technical manual; it is a roadmap to becoming a better software professional—both as a developer and as an architect. Join me on this journey, and let’s build better software together!
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Table of Contents
- Architecting Scalable Solutions: A Practical Approach to Software Design
- preface
- Welcome to the Software Architecture Book
- The book structure
- Chapter 1
- Introduction to the Software Product
- The development process
- Project estimation
- The architecture process
- The architect role
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 2
- Introduction to Software Requirement
- The problem and the context
- The problem and the solution
- End Users and Persona
- Requirements and constraints
- Non-Functional Requirement (NFR)
- Constraints: a special kind of Non-Functional Requirement
- Requirements Lifecycle
- Defect in Requirements
- Fishing for requirements
- The software requirement specification–The SRS document
- Use Cases (UML: Unified Modeling Language)
- The Agile Approach to Requirements
- Bridging Formal and Agile Requirements: A Pragmatic Approach
- Design Sketches and Prototypes: Visualizing Functionality
- Systematic methods of requirement gathering
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 3
- Architecture Synthesis: The Analysis Process
- Analysis
- Analysis Frameworks
- Perspective Based Analysis
- Viewpoints and Perspective Analysis
- Object Oriented Analysis
- Domain Driven Design
- Model Driven Architecture (Model Driven Design)
- Agile Analysis
- The (IDesign) Method System Desing
- My Design Method
- My Analysis Process: A Systematic Approach
- Risks and Issues Mitigation
- Using an AI assistant for the analysis and design process
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 4
- Microservice Architecture
- Introduction
- The Monolith
- Service Oriented Architecture
- The Microservice Architecture
- Why Microservice?
- Microservice Definition (Wikipedia)
- Microservices do not come for free
- The Cinema Management System
- Microservices Are NOT the Wild West
- Emphasizing Microservice Architecture Principles
- Decentralized State Management
- The Saga of Distributed States: Patterns for Managing Complexity
- Embracing Microservice Architecture
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 5
- Software Design
- Introduction
- High Cohesion and Low Coupling
- Fan-In, Fan-Out, and Stable Modules
- Inversion of Control (IoC)
- Decoupling Schema in Software Architecture
- Core Principles of Effective Software Design
- The Two Views of the System
- Object Oriented Design Principle
- Introduction to Key Design Principles
- Beyond SOLID Principles
- Chapter Summary
- Cross-Cutting Concerns
- Introduction to Cross-Cutting Concerns
- Overview of Cross-cutting Concerns
- To be continued…
- Architecting Scalable Solutions: A Practical Approach to Software Design
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