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About the Book
Writing a few lines of Swift is surprisingly easy. Once you start to dig deeper, though, you discover that building an application for Apple's platforms is more challenging than it seems. This book outlines the challenges you face along your journey and how to overcome them.
Some of the more obvious topics I cover in the book include dependency management, source control, code reviews, continuous integration, style guides, working in a team, tooling, project organization and documentation, and release strategies.
The topics I found most interesting to write about, however, are more meta, such as when to break rules, freelancing and subcontracting, staying productive as a developer, shipping projects, leaving your comfort zone, and dealing with challenging problems.
The book is filled with useful information that I've picked up over the years, sometimes from other developers and sometimes by learning the hard way. This book doesn't include code snippets or sample projects. The goal of the book is to provide insights and answers to questions that are often overlooked or ignored.
Who is this book for? This book is for every type of developer, but it primarily focuses on Swift and Cocoa development. If you're developing for Apple's platforms, then you'll find a lot of useful information in this book, regardless of your experience.
About the Author
My name is Bart Jacobs and I run a mobile development company, Code Foundry. I’ve been programming for more than fifteen years, focusing on Cocoa development soon after the introduction of the iPhone in 2007.
Over the years, I’ve taught thousands of people about Swift and Cocoa development. Through my experience teaching, I’ve discovered and learned about the main problems people struggle with.
I created Cocoacasts to offer a roadmap for anyone interested in learning Swift and Cocoa development. Through Cocoacasts, I provide a clear path to learn the tools, the language, and the frameworks you need to master Swift and Cocoa development.
I currently work as a freelance developer and teach people about Swift and Cocoa development. While I primarily focus on developing software for Apple’s platforms, I consider myself a full stack developer with a love and interest for Swift and Ruby development.
You can find me on Twitter. Follow me and say hi. You can also follow Cocoacasts on Twitter if you’re interested in what I teach on Cocoacasts.