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About the Book
There are few scary stories that are told so many times about software testing.
First is - You are doing it wrong if you do scripted testing. You will be exhausted with mere writing of the test scripts, not to mention the maintenance, and the real output of your testing efforts will be based on exploration anyway. Second is - You are doing it wrong if you do exploratory testing. You will never see the test coverage, and you will always relay on your gut to tell you what is the status of the software under test. Third is - if you don't automate your tests, you are doing it wrong. Regression testing will kill you before you have time to tackle with the real problems... And by the way, if you automate your tests, yes, you are doing it wrong as you will never manage to maintain that beast.
So, are we as testers doomed? Is the very nature of software testing schismatic and there is no single hat, a single story which will cover the whole discipline? Whatever testers do, something will go wrong, and that something is always direct consequence of their choices!?
About the Author
Davor started writing reasonably early in his life as probably most writers did. He wrote several short stories and poems. Most of it got published somewhere in mid nineties. However, with the dawn of 21st century he almost completely stopped writing. But, fortunately or not, he is back. In both his fiction and non fiction works he is trying to contribute to the development of the fragile culture of dialogue. Davor is holding a masters degree in theology. He is employed with a software start-up so he knows to appreciate that little free time he has. He is happily married.