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Sobre o Livro
A ideia de escrever este livro veio como uma forma de reunir uma coleção de aprendizados ao longo de minha carreira utilizando o framework Protractor, para servir como fonte de consulta à profissionais que já utilizam a ferramenta ou profissionais e estudantes que estejam interessados em aprender.
Sobre o Autor
Walmyr Filho works with software engineering since 2004, being a bachelor in Business Management with an emphasis in system information analysis at PUC-RS, in 2012. He worked in national and multinational companies in Porto Alegre and Florianópolis, moved to Europe, having lived and worked in Norway, and he currently lives in The Netherlands.
An active member of technology communities, he always liked attending events, some times as a spectator, others as coordinator, organizer, volunteer, and even as a speaker, having lectured in events such as The Developers Conference, Agile Trends, Agile Testing Conference, Agile Lean Ireland, Agile Tour Lithuania, and other smaller events.
He was a volunteer of Agile Brazil 2014, in Florianópolis, coordinator of The Developers Conference Florianópolis, in 2015, beyond helping in internal initiatives in some companies he worked, because he believes that the knowledge is something that must be shared.
He is author of the Talking About Testing blog, has a YouTube channel where he shares "hands-on" content in video format about the usage of the Protractor framework and other stuff. He provides English content on his Medium account. Recently he started teaching on Udemy as well.
He can be found on Twitter as @walmyrlimaesilv.