Test-Driven iOS Development - Gimme The Code


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Test-Driven iOS Development - Gimme The Code

No bla bla, just the code

About the Book

Concept Of The Book

In Jazz music, Fake Books help performers to learn and perform new songs. They contain the bare minimum needed to play the songs. They are not intended for beginners.


This book is a Fake Book for iOS developers about Test-Driven Development. You cannot learn Test-Driven Development from this book. Use it to look up how to implement many test cases encountered in iOS development.

If you are the kind of person who skips the explanations in blog posts to get to the code examples because most of the times this is all you need, then this book is for you!



Software should be tested. Most developers agree on that. But when it comes to the actual practice of writing tests, many developers think, they have no time for that. Testing is hard. Especially on a platform as iOS and in a language as Swift, which both hasn't beed designed with testability in mind.

This book is aimed to help iOS developers who want to write more tests. It's a collection of typical iOS scenarios and how they can be tested. It is not a complete guide of all the possible ways to write tests. But after you worked with the book for a bit, I sure you'll find ways to test scenarios not (yet) covered in the book.

What Is Covered 

This book shows how to test many different scenarios every iOS developer encounters each day (see the table of contents). From easy to test things like delegation to the really hard stuff like alerts and network requests, all is shown without needless clutter. This book does not cover why you should test or why the tests are structured the way they are. Mainly the code is shown. Experienced developers should be able to get all the information they need to start writing tests immediately.


Happy testing!

About the Author

Dominik Hauser
Dominik Hauser

Dominik builds iOS apps since 2009. He wrote a book about Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift for beginners. When he is not programming he is searching for pirate treasures with his kids.

Table of Contents

    • The Structure Of The Book
    • This Book Is For You
    • This Book Is Not For You
    • Code Structure
    • Storyboards vs Code
    • Thank You
  • General
    • Add Test Target
    • Red-Green-Refactor
    • Test Structure
    • sut: System Under Test
    • You Might Repeat yourself
    • Force-Unwrapping in Tests
    • What To Test
    • What If Something Is Really Hard To Test
    • Code That Is Easy To Test
  • Part I: Testing In Xcode
  • Xcode Menu Items For Testing
    • Test (Cmd U)
    • Show Test Navigator (Cmd 6)
    • Build For Testing (Shift Cmd U)
    • Test Without Building (Ctr Cmd U)
    • Run Current Test (Ctr Option Cmd U)
    • Test Again (Ctr Option Cmd G)
    • Create Test Failure Breakpoint
  • Xcode Behaviors
  • XCTAssert Functions
    • XCTAssert(_:)
    • XCTAssertEqual(_:_:)
    • XCTAssertEqual(_:_:accuracy:)
    • XCTAssertNotEqual(_:_:)
    • XCTAssertNotEqual(_:_:accuracy:)
    • XCTAssertGreaterThan(_:_:)
    • XCTAssertGreaterThanOrEqual(_:_:)
    • XCTAssertLessThan(_:_:)
    • XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(_:_:)
    • XCTAssertNil(_:)
    • XCTAssertNotNil(_:)
    • XCTAssertThrowsError(_:)
    • XCTAssertNoThrow(_:)
    • XCTAssertTrue(_:)
    • XCTAssertFalse(_:)
    • XCTFail()
    • Custom Test Assertions
  • setUp and tearDown
    • class func setUp() and class func tearDown()
    • func setUp() and func tearDown()
    • func setUpWithError() and func tearDownWithError()
    • func addTeardownBlock(_ block:)
  • Dependency Injection
    • Advantages of Dependency Injection
    • How to inject dependencies
    • Constructor Injection
    • Setter Injection
    • Interface Injection
  • Mocks and Stubs
    • Mocks
    • Stubs
  • Expectations
    • XCTestExpectation
    • XCTKVOExpectation With Expected Value
    • XCTKVOExpectation With Handler
    • XCTNSNotificationExpectation
    • XCTNSPredicateExpectation
    • Waiting For Expectations
  • Part II: Unit Tests
  • Easy Tests
    • Changes Of Property Values
    • Calls Of Delegate Methods
  • Target-Action
    • Action Is Sent To Target
  • UIViewController
    • Trigger loadView and viewDidLoad
    • Trigger viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear
    • Trigger viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear
  • UIView
    • Existence Of Subviews
    • Update Of Subviews
  • UITableView
    • Register A Cell
    • Register A Header
    • Dequeue A Cell
    • Dequeue A Header
    • Insert Rows
    • Delete Rows
    • Move Row
    • Perform Batch Updates
  • UITableViewDataSource
    • Number Of Sections And Rows
    • Header Title
    • Populating A Cell
    • Setup Cell
    • Commit Editing Style (Delete A Row)
    • Commit Editing Style (Insert A Row)
    • Reorder Rows
  • UITableViewDelegate
    • Will Display
    • Indentation Level
    • Will Select Row
    • Selection Of Cells
    • Cell Height
  • UICollectionView
    • Register A Cell
    • Register A Supplementary View
    • Dequeue A Cell
    • Dequeue A Supplementary View
    • Insert Row
    • Delete Items
  • UICollectionViewDataSource
    • Number Of Sections And Items
    • Populate A Cell
    • Setup Cell
    • Setup Supplementary View
  • UICollectionViewDelegate
    • Should Select Item
    • Selection Of Cells
    • Flow Layout Minimum Line Spacing
  • UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
    • Populate a Collection View Compositional Layout List Cell
    • Populate a Custom Collection View Compositional Layout List Cell
  • UINavigationController
    • Push View Controller
    • Pop View Controller
  • Presentation
    • Presentation Of A View Controller
  • Coordinator Pattern
    • start() Pushes View Controller
    • Navigate To Next View Controller
  • Notifications
    • Notification Sending
    • Notification Sending With Object And User Info
    • Notification Receiving
  • Networking
    • Mocking and Stubbing with URLProtocol
    • Mocking and Stubbing a Data Task with URLSession
    • Mocking and Stubbing an Upload Task with URLSession
  • Alerts
    • Alerts (Without Action Handlers)
    • Alerts (With Method Swizzling)
    • Alerts (Using A Factory)
  • CLLocationManager
    • Location Services Enabled
    • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
    • Request When In Use (Always) Authorization
    • CLLocationManager Delegate
    • CLLocationManager distanceFilter
    • CLLocationManager desiredAccuracy
    • Start Updating Location
    • Stop Updating Location
    • Request Location
  • Date
    • Filter Events
  • Storyboards
    • Storyboard ID
    • Outlet
    • Segue
  • Part III: UI Tests
  • UI Tests Basics
    • Existence Of A Label
    • Text Input
    • Button Tap
    • Scrolling
    • Selection Of A Table View Cell
    • Push And Pop Of ViewControllers
    • Pull To Refresh
    • Alerts
    • Change Orientation
    • Screenshot
    • Delete App
    • System Alerts (like Location Services)

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