Taming Thymeleaf
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Taming Thymeleaf

Practical Guide to building a web application with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf

About the Book

The book has been updated for Spring Boot 3!

Taming Thymeleaf will learn you about writing web applications with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf in no-time. The book teaches you step-by-step how to get started with those technologies and build a fully fledged web application including security, validation, internationalization, testing, ...

Thymeleaf is an amazing technology for building server-side HTML using the Java eco-system. Combined with Spring Boot, it is really a killer combo for a productive development environment. Learn how to structure your code so your application can evolve for years to come. As HTML will always be there, you can do this without having to re-write your frontend every six months for the latest JavaScript framework.

The application that is built in the book not only functions great. It also looks amazing as it is based on Tailwind UI, beautiful components based on Tailwind CSS.

Super-charge your learning now with Taming Thymeleaf!

About the Author

Wim Deblauwe
Wim Deblauwe

Wim Deblauwe is a freelance Java developer who has been working mainly with Java and Spring for the past 25 years. He has developed and designed various software projects that have seen deployments worldwide. He also loves to guide and teach others about topics like Java, Spring, and Thymeleaf.

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Table of Contents

  • 1. What are Spring Boot and Thymeleaf?
    • 2.1 Spring Framework
    • 2.2 Spring Boot
    • 2.3 Thymeleaf
  • 2. Getting started
    • 3.1 Prerequisites
    • 3.2 Spring Initializer
    • 3.3 Summary
  • 3. Thymeleaf introduction
    • 4.1 What is Thymeleaf?
    • 4.2 Writing our first template
    • 4.3 Writing our first controller
    • 4.4 Thymeleaf expressions
    • 4.5 Thymeleaf attributes
    • 4.6 Preprocessing
    • 4.7 Summary
  • 4. Thyme Wizards
    • 5.1 Cascading Style Sheets
    • 5.2 Tailwind CSS
    • 5.3 Application shell
    • 5.4 Summary
  • 5. Fragments
    • 6.1 What are fragments?
    • 6.2 Using fragments
    • 6.3 Fragments with parameters
    • 6.4 Fragments with HTML snippets as arguments
    • 6.5 Inline separate SVG files
    • 6.6 Homepage refactoring
    • 6.7 Menu item components
    • 6.8 Summary
  • 6. Layouts
    • 7.1 What is the Thymeleaf Layout Dialect?
    • 7.2 Layouts with parameters
    • 7.3 Page titles
    • 7.4 Homepage refactoring
    • 7.5 Summary
  • 7. Controllers
    • 8.1 What is a controller?
    • 8.2 Exposing data to the view
    • 8.3 Path parameters
    • 8.4 Posting data
    • 8.5 Support for other HTTP methods
    • 8.6 Team and User controllers
    • 8.7 Summary
  • 8. Internationalization
    • 9.1 Internationalization basics
    • 9.2 Using a query parameter to select the language
    • 9.3 Menu items translations
    • 9.4 Summary
  • 9. Database connection
    • 10.1 Spring Data JPA
    • 10.2 PostgreSQL database
    • 10.3 Getting started with Spring Data JPA
    • 10.4 Summary
  • 10. Displaying data
    • 11.1 Generate random users
    • 11.2 Get users on the HTML page
    • 11.3 Refactor the table using fragments
    • 11.4 Use pagination
    • 11.5 Hide columns on mobile
    • 11.6 Summary
  • 11. Forms
    • 12.1 Form fields
    • 12.2 Error messages
    • 12.3 Custom error messages
    • 12.4 Custom validator
    • 12.5 Errors summary
    • 12.6 Validation groups and order
    • 12.7 Summary
  • 12. Data editing
    • 13.1 Add user button
    • 13.2 Edit user data
    • 13.3 Refactoring to fragments
    • 13.4 Handling Optimistic Locking failure
    • 13.5 Custom error pages
    • 13.6 Summary
  • 13. Delete
    • 14.1 Using a dedicated URL
    • 14.2 Using the DELETE HTTP method
    • 14.3 Flash attributes
    • 14.4 Summary
  • 14. Security
    • 15.1 Default Spring Security
    • 15.2 Hardcoded password
    • 15.3 User roles
    • 15.4 Thymeleaf integration
    • 15.5 Custom logon page
    • 15.6 Users from database
    • 15.7 Summary
  • 15. Testing
    • 16.1 Using @WebMvcTest
    • 16.2 Using Cypress
    • 16.3 Summary
  • 16. Various tips and tricks
    • 17.1 Open Session In View
    • 17.2 StringTrimmerEditor
    • 17.3 Global model attributes
    • 17.4 File upload
    • 17.5 Selecting a linked entity value
    • 17.6 Dynamically adding rows
    • 17.7 Custom editors and formatters
    • 17.8 Date picker

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