Swifter - 100 must know tips for Swift
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Swifter - 100 must know tips for Swift

About the Book

Swift is an innovative new programming language introduced in WWDC 2014 by Apple. This language draws lessons from a lot of other modern language. The author attended WWDC 2014 and learned Swift from the very beginning day. In this book, 100 tips are concluded, which covers almost every corner of Swift.

Before you consider to purchase this book, you may want to know some fact about it:

  • It is not a hand-by-hand beginner book for Swift syntax.
  • If you want to step into Swift, it would be better to learn from Apple's official guide.
  • However, it does not mean you can not read this book. This book takes the responsibility of guide your write better Swift.
  • These tips are concluded from author's learning and working. Each tip is consisted by two or three pages, with code sample. It is easy to read.
  • If you wrote a lot of Objective-C before, you might be able to read this book smoothly. Some content would help you turn to Swift from Objective-C.
  • Of course, any other experience on programming would be help. But if you are new to programming, this book will not suit you.
  • I hope the content of this book could save you some time to learn. 
  • You could have a look at the samples, in which some tips are provided.

Swift is still a younger in programming languages. There is no best practice for a lot of things. A main purpose of this book is exploring some unattractive corners of the language, with a perspective of senior developer. This book would be continuously updated as Swift updates.

This book is a translation into English of Swifter - 100 个 Swift 必备 tips which was originally written in Chinese (Simplified).

About the Author

Wei Wang
Wei Wang

Wei Wang (@onevcat) is an iOS/Unity3D developer from China.

He developed VVDocumenter and some other great projects.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Selector
  • Currying
  • Declare Protocol function as mutating
  • Sequence
  • Tuple
  • @autoclosure and ??
  • Optional Chaining
  • Operator
  • Parameter Type of Function
  • Name of function parameter
  • Swift Command Line Tool
  • Literal Convertible
  • Subscript
  • Nested Function
  • Function Dispatch
  • Namespace
  • Singleton
  • Any and AnyObject
  • Random Number
  • Typealias and Generic Protocols
  • Conditional Compilation
  • Param Mark
  • Variadic
  • @UIApplicationMain
  • Order of init method
  • Designated, Convenience and Required
  • Failable Initializers
  • Protocol Composition
  • static and class
  • @objc and dynamic
  • Optional Protocol
  • Multiple Type and Collection
  • Memory Management, weak and unowned
  • @autoreleasepool
  • Default Parameter
  • Regular Expression
  • Pattern Match
  • Value Type and Reference Type
  • Foundation Framework
  • String or NSString
  • UnsafePointer
  • Memory of C pointer
  • COpaquePointer and CFunctionPointer
  • GCD and delayed invoking
  • … and ..<
  • Get type of instance
  • AnyClass, Meta Type and .self
  • Self in protocol and class method
  • Introspection
  • Type casting
  • Dynamic Type and Multimethods
  • Property Observers
  • KVO
  • Local scope
  • Printable and DebugPrintable
  • Equality
  • Hash
  • Error Handling
  • Assertion
  • fatalError
  • final
  • Playground Delay Execution
  • Playground Visualization
  • Limitation in Playground
  • Swizzle
  • lazy modifier and lazy method
  • find
  • Math and numbers
  • JSON
  • NSNull
  • C dynamic library
  • Reflection and MirrorType
  • Formatted Output
  • Documentation
  • Options
  • Performance
  • Enumerating an Array
  • Type Encode and @encode
  • Log Output
  • Calling C code and @asmname
  • sizeof and sizeofValue
  • Multiple Optional
  • Optional Map
  • Overflow
  • Macro Define
  • delegate
  • Associated Object
  • Lock
  • Property Access
  • Core Data
  • Toll-Free Bridging and Unmanaged
  • Closure Ambiguous
  • Extension Generic
  • Compatibility
  • Enumerate enum type
  • Acknowledgements

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